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Status Updates posted by alien777

  1. Hey Homie whats up?


  2. how are you girl? how is everything?


  3. ohhhhhhhh.... lol now I get what you mean :). Well you guess it correctly, it is indeed the professional!!!! I watched it the other day, so I decided to put him on there :)


  4. ahahah Yeah I'm an owl myself... Its hard to leave my laptop alone :) Although no one on my MSN is on as late as I am, which kind of sucks, but oh well! I do the exact same thing, I say I'm going to get off in 10min, then I stay like an hour ahahha.... Its FUN! What can I say!



  6. jajaja thanks for the comments

  7. Me??? Never ;) lol jajajaj the same goes for you Mrs. Party like a rockstar!!!

    Take care


  8. Hello my darling

    I hope your having a great day. Here are some more pictures I added, I hope you like them


  9. Thank you for your lovely comment. :)

  10. hey there, stopping by to say hi =)


  11. Chicken is pollo here in the usa. So its minestra de pollo. I think thats how you say it in italian. Its good when your sick. How are you feeling today? I hope you are doing well :)


  12. lol Matilda was one of my favs too, neverending story was real good too... As a kid I must of seen it like 100 times... those were simpler times ahaha.

    Good night sweetie


  13. Yeah I really miss that as well ;) you are so funny... We should definitely plan a date ahahah anyways... so whats new? anything crazy or strange happen lately?


  14. Hi Princess

    I hope you liked them. So what are you doing today?

  15. I actually have been enjoying this cold weather, the other day it was hot again, and I couldn't stand it :( I wish there was 60 weather every day, that way it feels like air conditioning :)... Well g2g take care cool dude


  16. Thank you so much. Your the first one to notice that I put that there, that quote is actually from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" I just changed the ending to say Francy instead of Friend. :) So how are you encantador?

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