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Everything posted by alien777

  1. hmmm not really are you happy?
  2. Pretty much the same.... Spent my time with the family, ate like crazy :)..baked some cookies :P. All in all it was alright, kind of dull really lol

  3. yeah I guess Are you a person that loves going to the beach?
  4. yes Have you ever been on a roller coaster ride 5 times in a row?
  5. no!!! thank God Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had a different name?
  6. Trying to learn day by day Are you good at solving problems?
  7. alien777

    I Am...

    getting ready for bed
  8. uhhh not really... to much chocolate milk... its COLD!!! are you cold?
  9. hhhmmm at times minus the identity part Have you ever thought about never getting married?
  10. lol I have to wake up at 5 tomorrow... Night sweetie
  11. ahahah Yeah I'm an owl myself... Its hard to leave my laptop alone :) Although no one on my MSN is on as late as I am, which kind of sucks, but oh well! I do the exact same thing, I say I'm going to get off in 10min, then I stay like an hour ahahha.... Its FUN! What can I say!


  12. :) Nice to hear from you Nichelle. I'm pretty good myself, thanks for asking... You sound pretty energized to me! hehehe, yeah night crew is awesome! I've got to admit it. I stayed til like 3 in the morning CRAZY!!! Sleeping early sounds like a good idea, God knows I didn't get so much sleep. See you around :kiss:


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