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Everything posted by motc

  1. Maybe she sees it that way but there comes a contract with that subscription which offers exclusive content etc. At this point she has to deliver something to justify the subscriber's monthly fee. It's a legal thing. And I did not herras her about that stuff btw. I was very polite and not pushy. P.S. If she wanted just support money she could've gone with ko-fi or start a "go fund me" campaign or whatever tip service there is.
  2. She's kinda legally bind to post exclusive stuff for paying subscribers. The subscription model promises you exclusive content and prioritised dms. And since you would have to add this option manually as a creator she kinda knew the consequences.
  3. Does anyone know when she's going to start posting for her paying IG subscribers? I'm subbed since November and she hasn't posted anything yet and when asked about it she won't reply...
  4. Would it be possible to reupload the butt pic from the lounge flourish collection, please? Somehow I can't save it without the file being corrupted.
  5. Does anyone know if she ever talked about having an OF, Fansly or something similar? She would become a millionaire in an instant, imo.
  6. It's not just speculation. He posted a pic, as a insta story, of the book proof, not too long ago.
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