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Everything posted by legman

  1. Ive alway's been more of a "Faith Hill guy" but Im happy for her.
  2. She wears that little black dress quite well! :drool:
  3. I would put her in the 108 to 112 range.
  4. There ought to be a law against a woman who looked that good gaining that much weight. Tragic. :(
  5. legman


    Jaw dropingly gorgeous shot's! Thx so much for these! :drool:
  6. legman


    Thx for all the updates of the smokin' hot Ale! :drool:
  7. Thx for the VS updates! Cant wait for the show!
  8. i posted this on youtube i'm very happy to show the lovely adriana well done for the post i found it on a random internet search a couple of years ago A taller hotter Marilyn!
  9. Thx for these of the gorgeous Julie!
  10. Judging by these pic's she hasn't lost much. Why does my wife not look this good at 41?
  11. Still not a big fan but you gotta give her props for keeping the weight off.
  12. Thx for the vid Sanja! Elsa look's as stunning as ever!
  13. I think being so l-o-n-g makes them look thinner than they actually are.
  14. Gorgeous shoot! Id kill for these in HQ! :drool:
  15. Great pic's! Such a shame she's off the market.
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