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Status Updates posted by michelabella

  1. I miss my big sister so much. She committed suicide on March 26, 2019. Worst day of my life. I found her dead two days later. 😢

    Love you Amber Nicole ❤️


    Suicide: one person dies every 40 seconds


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prettyphile


      She's beautiful!


      In a way, my father took his life when he refused cancer treatments, so I understand where you are coming from. For a long time, I didn't understand why, and in a way, I felt he was punishing us for not even trying to get help, and it took years for it to finally sink in that it was about his own pain and trauma, and whatever was going on in his head, and not about his family and hurting us, and knowing that despite everything he loves us, just as your sister LOVES you. She was going through something that none of us will ever understand and at the very least her pain and suffering is over, and that with time, your families will as well.


      I will never stop loving my father, and 21 years later (my father died June 1st, 1999) my heart still aches when I stop to think about him, but it WILL GET EASIER as time goes on, that I can promise.


      You take every moment you can to remember her if even for a second, to smile and laugh at the memories, to remember her face and her voice. Don't shy away from any thoughts or memories good or negative, you're allowed to be angry (just don't act upon the bad ones pls) and take them as a learning lesson so you can grow. (I wish someone would have told me that). You are allowed to feel ANY way you want, and if it ever gets too much, take a moment to do something for yourself..


      Maybe try a hot bubble bath, screaming at the top of your lungs, a long good cry, putting on music she loved or laughed at or even hated as a means of letting you vent, or just talk to someone you love. Find an outlet to bring her back into your life! I took on Scrap-booking and made wonderful over the top collages of things my dad loved, as well as pictures of us, and things WE loved.. or pick up a new hobby of doing something that she really enjoyed. My father was super into all things chemistry and science so I dove right into the deep end and started learning everything I could. It made me feel like my dad was with me. 21 years later I'm still learning.


      You'll be okay! ❤️

    3. michelabella


      I’m so sorry to hear about your father. 💔my sister refused to get better or to take any proper medication etc and instead decided to take her life. We tried and tried to get her proper help and intervention but it’s easier said than done in many cases. 💔 thank you for the great advice. I’m getting better one day at a time and the worst hell of it all is behind me (I hope and think). 2019 was all a blur and 2020 is so crazy, it’s keeping me distracted as sad as that is. I think talking about her and not keeping it a taboo subject is helping me to heal little by little. You can DM me anytime if you want. I’m an open book. ❤️

    4. Prettyphile


      Thank you hun, you as well! :hug:

  2. One day I received a message from Gisele's younger sister Rafaela (who helps run Gisele's social media). She wanted to express her and Gisele's gratitude for the support of Gisele over the years. After a few times talking with Gisele's sister, Gisele finally messaged me personally and thanked me! Then she offered to send me an autographed book to my house. Thank you Gisele! I never expected to be rewarded from following my favorite model but she recognizes the efforts from her fans. Now she even knows my name! haha.  

  3. Stalking/Hacking is an unforgivable vice. The secret is safe with me but you know who you are. good luck in life being a psycho.

  4. Quit reading my emails Psycho

  5. thanks hun ;) I've been loving your Erin sets. I wanted a new Gi set that was summer-y and focused on her past work, since that is my favorite of hers. ;)

  6. Thank you! I'm late but hope you had a great Easter, xoxo.

  7. Happy late Easter, hope u had a great one.

    yeah although this is one long hiatus! I am starting to wonder if she could be pregnant or something, lol.

  8. Last message: LMAO I said "clam" I meant "calm" haha.

  9. haha that will be so nice of you. I somehow think she is busy moving into her new home..and maybe even taking a hiatus after the superbowl fiasco. although, with her when its quiet...often means she is busy busy busy...you never know with her since she doesnt confirm her work on twitter etc like most models do, lol. Sometimes there's a clam before the Gisele storm I like to say ;) American Vog

  10. Hi sweets! you totally read my mind I was getting ready to come say hi on your page and see what you were up to! LOL wow. :D

    my private life sucks right now :( need some new Gisele work to cheer me up, lol. How have you been?

  11. wow thanks for the rare Gisele ads!


  12. Thanks for the Supermodels posts! xoxo

  13. thanks I felt like it needed some cleaning up ;) hehe. Still love your covergirl page.

  14. Oh yeah football = soccer to most people outside of the US. so weird to me. Football is football and soccer is soccer here. hehe. Well I love learning about different cultures outside of America though.

    Happy New Year's Eve!

  15. thanks Kat. Liked your comment in Leo's thread about American Football. :D Who is your team? I'm a Steeler fan all the way. :p Its always weird to me that its not famous in other parts of the world considering its like 2nd nature here. Football is as iconic as apple pie. haha. its not even just a sport, its a lifestyle!

    Happy New year Sweetheart!


  16. oh cool I didn't know that! I will try and remember on the 7th to wish u.

  17. Happy Holidays sexy frenchkiki. wow did you make this Laetitia art? Love the notebook effect :o

  18. Thanks for the posts and welcome. Happy Holidays!


  19. Happy Holidays sweets, xxoxo

  20. Merry Christmas dear! Hope u have a great one! xoxo

  21. Happy Holidays to you too sweetie! :)

    I like your quote, it reminds me of one by I think Linda Evangelista. "We don't do Vogue, We are Vogue". haha love it.

  22. thanks sick. was trying to find a gif that matched my sig. :D

  23. Happy Birthday Kat! sweet 16!!!!


  24. wow luv your new set! its so pretty and mysterious. nice job

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