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Everything posted by barefootprodigy

  1. Hehe, I know it is quite an odd request! Thank you all SO much!! So friendly and helpful!
  2. Anything will do! (: Thank you so so so so much! It's been really difficult for me to find some!
  3. I'm new to this, never posted here so I have no idea where to post this, or if this is bad manners, or if I can even do this buuut... I'm looking for pictures of Adriana looking... bad. Not like bad bad... we know she can't look bad. Looking bad like go to jail bad. Pictures of her smoking, or looking hardcore in any way... I've found a couple, but I'm really having a hard time. If I'm going against the rules or anything feel free to just delete my post! Sorry! Thank you so so much in advance. (:
  4. I'm new here, but I loveeee Stammy.
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