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Everything posted by Secondguardian

  1. It's the timing. Posting is also about timing. She's posting so close to each other that people might not get to see all the posts in one go
  2. Glad to see colour too. But I don't think that dress was ugly, it was simple but not like ugly. But we'll see. I was basing it on her mood not the outfit anyway
  3. Oooh it's goingtobe more than that. She hasn't posted her dinner look. She's happy to be there and I'm happy she is happy
  4. Danielle posted Adri's picture saying she's on her way to Cannes to do her hair
  5. There are people who say such?? What were they looking at? Her print works are flawless, that's where she shines the most
  6. Well Danielle is going to be doing her hair most likely for the Amfar tomorrow. I don't know how I feel about that
  7. Okay these shots could easily be an editorial
  8. Her schedule probably didn't fit in. She would have been invited
  9. The marks could be from anything. I have unexplained marks like that on my body.
  10. So did I. I thought they cancelled it
  11. However it played out, I see the MET in a similar way as the VS show- a big deal to those that actually attend but that has lowered its standard for attendance or invitation.
  12. I've seen it. I wouldn't think she'd like anything controversial anyway but that video was kinda accurate
  13. Ooh, not nice. I want to see that video
  14. Yes even if she wasn't invited by Anna, she could have gone with a designer if she wanted to. It's not rocket science, a lot of designers would love to dress her, I just feel she didn't want to.
  15. Well it's just sad that even the extremely talented models who wouldn't need to kiss ass normally now do it because it is the trend in the business. Very sad. It's one of the reason I respect Adri so much in that she just does her stuff and let's her work speak for her even though we knows that in this era the work doesn't mean as much anymore. She chooses her job based on what is right and best for her and not because she wants to gain extra recognition or make extreme money especially given that she might very well be the breadwinner of her family. She wants to be happy and that is great.
  16. Those apart can we talk about how pretty she looked in her stories yesterday. Wonder where she went
  17. Way way too many models are attending this year. I mean I'm happy for said models but way too many. I don't even know the criteria for invitation anymore
  18. When did Anna say this?
  19. I agree with you but I disagree in the part that some models have to be like that. It's just a matter of they want to be like that
  20. She didn't attend last year either so I'm not holding my breath that she will be attending this year too. While the MET is a really big deal, over the past years some people who don't have half of other celebrities' popularity attend so it is safe to say the MET is not what it used to be. That being said I would still love to see her there. I feel it would be bad face if she is awarded fashion icon and is absent at the fashion event of the year.
  21. Well that's okay. But I would really like to see her at Cannes above all.
  22. Considering her boxing event closes in three days, I guess we can guess she won't be at the MET afterall
  23. She doesn't post such until she is told to
  24. I hope it is fittings for the MET
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