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Everything posted by Secondguardian

  1. This looks more like her
  2. I like her either way but more without the tan though
  3. Well Jerome is there too and maybe Patrick? What exactly would Puma be shooting?
  4. Her hair is growing so well
  5. Doesn't ErinWalsh dress her for events? Or does she do shows too?
  6. I loved them for the shoot but nah
  7. Her happiness is contagious 💃💃
  8. I think she just posted that because her birthday is coming up
  9. You know what I would like? For her to go to games and interact with the commentators, it was so cool when she did that and she really had the sense of what was what. Even guys appreciated and respected her opinions, that's her stuff and she should press it whether for fun or for work
  10. Honestly the last vsfs was so confusing. Especially since she actually looked normal at the dinner after the show. But her cheekbones looked weird at the lightning ceremony and in the show(her tribute segment), she looked fine in the celestial angels segment
  11. I hope she doesn't ever NEED to use them. But if she does, I hope she is able to keep it to a nice beautiful level. Nothing wrong with that especially since her face is her moneymaker
  12. That's what I mean too She has mostly worn Chopard on red carpets especially at Cannes. I do not know why that was the first time she was given a campaign. They need to just sign her as an ambassador period
  13. She has always been affiliated with Chopard honestly it is surprising that it took this long for her to get a contract with them so I hope Chopard does better and hires her again
  14. I honestly don't know what you guys are talking about. She looked happy to me and took pictures when she could have. She was basically hotel-event-hotel all through her time at Cannes so I don't know when she would have stopped to take pictures with anyone. The ones she met she took with
  15. I really can't say if it's an IWC event. That guy is an actor
  16. She's going to Egypt? What for?
  17. It was hilarious. I mean normally I wouldn't be concerned but you can't make a big deal out of arriving at the airport in Cannes then not care what you wear when leaving
  18. Questions: 1. What exactly is Andrea's job as her publicist? I don't understand what that means. 2. What changes did she actually make to her teeth? I didnt see any
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