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Status Updates posted by Ophelia_Immortal

  1. Sara! Our Cintia is doing SO well! I am loving all the new pics you are posting! Thank you so much for keeping her thread updated...I simply do not have the time anymore. I already have my work cut out for me in Mona J's thread xD lol

  2. Yes it is! It's from the manga....I don't like the English cartoon at all!

  3. Thanks! I love yours too! :D

    and omg...happy late birthday! x.x

  4. OMFG YOUR SET KICKS ASS! I am beyond jealous of that gif!!!! I thought my set was amazing till I saw yours and now I feel like I am not doing Zhang justice x.x Now I need to find a gif for her so we can fill this place with her!

  5. I LOVE your name and your set! ANd your Firefly lyric :D welcome to BZ!

  6. Thanks! Isen't he dreamy? I hate male models as a whole....but I just want to cuddle with man and brush his hair :D lol

  7. Her name is on the siggy: Natalya Piro :)

  8. I'll read your Tarot cards! :D hehe

  9. :kisss: Love your new av darling :D

  10. Thanks Darling. Daivd Bowie is the love of my life. I had a crush on him since I was 4 :)

  11. I've been waiting for you to take an interest in me again Beloved. My bed has been cold since you left :P

  12. Darling you are more a man then half if not more in this world :kiss:

  13. Oh darling...you must watch out. I will fight you for Lestats affections....my Beloved Boss belongs to me :P

  14. Hello again Luna....may Lestat give you sweet bloody kisses.

    ~Mona Mayfair

  15. I want your av! Cintia is soooo cute in that vid! :D did you make it yourself?

  16. Sweet Kisses to you darling *MUAH*

  17. Now what we need is Cintia doing some awesome show so we can have amazing pics....and not from VS :P

  18. Thanks...I love Nat Poly! :D

  19. oh my...whose in your Avie? She looks so familer...so lovely!

  20. I love your new set! Did you make it? Cintia looks amazing!

  21. LOL. Yes I am insane. Proudly so. Have I mentioned how much I miss talking to you? 'cause I do :(

  22. you know...your a very pretty lady. *creepy old guy smile*

  23. I have a feeling that both our bfs lied and left us heartbroken. Lets pull together girl. Mine just left me for a horse faced blonde with bigger boobs :cry:

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