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Everything posted by claudiawilliams

  1. don't know what to say... not my cup of tea for sure. love the color but that's it
  2. honestly, she looks amazing but the dress look cheap imo i love the color and the shape, but the material...
  3. y'all are always complaining about her dog and i don't understand why lol or maybe you're the ones who don't understand i prefer her posting 3719382 pics with tate instead of barbara and dylan sprouse being together 24/7 like they're siamese cats or something? anyway, pregnant? you know, people eat, have periods, gain weight... smh
  4. i think this may be one of her best editorials... so simple and classic, but it suits her so well and doesn't look boring
  5. ''a toxic, unhealthy image of women'' like high fashion has? i mean, i want models to speak up, but you can't tell me vs was the only brand that wanted skinny girls. honestly, i always saw the vs models as healthy bodies, i never (or can't remember right now) a model that looked like she was about to break in 2, like i've seen in hf. it looks like vs is the only brand out there that is a sht, apparently or maybe she's talking about a different image but anyway
  6. i have... questions did they add jasmine with photoshop? or did they remove her?
  7. sadly, it doesn't surprise me. i always thought ed was a creep and i'm not the only one who thinks that. many vs ''fans'' have said the same over the years. so i believe all of that about ed. and it's not like 2-3 women said it; there are so many... it's disgusting i also understand bella's words now and i feel bad for her what i don't understand it's the russell part? it says the models agreed to take those photos but they were not paid for them, where's the problem? like nobody forced them. english isn't my first language so maybe i didn't understand it that well so... this could be the reason why ed left? but yes, people hate vs so much and they have another excuse now to cancel it forever, not even the changes they're doing can save it now... even though ed has nothing to do with the brand anymore. and honestly, that happened or happens (sadly) a lot in the industry. and not only in fashion but in every sector
  8. i went to a vs store today and they have more (and big) pictures of lily? there was a couple more of her. i know they also have pictures of non angels, but it's weird to me that she just confirmed she's not an angel and they're still using her pictures at their stores (i know it means nothing, again i just find it "weird") and it's also weird that i only saw pictures of angels today, lily was the only non/ex angel with pictures there, i think
  9. why are they so obsessed with jasmine now? lol i hope they'll forget about her just like they did with lameka. not a fan of lotta either but she kinda looks... fresh ? in these
  10. i read some dumb comments the other day on instagram about taylor. one of them said that vs is forcing taylor to eat and i'd really like to know your opinion on this. like i don't think they're forcing her to gain weight, it sounds stupid for me since she would be putting in risk her career in hf. even when her actual weight (because let's be real, hf wants skinnier models even though taylor isn't fat, but she has a "normal" body right now imo), i think she's kinda risking it. but i do think they're not telling her to lose weight because it's good for them and the image they're trying to sell now. maybe my theory sounds as dumb as that comment lol but i'd really to know what you think
  11. someone commented this a few days back on a vs post.... honestly, i like vs including plus size models, but all ages also include 10 years old girls? what about men? sorry but no
  12. i don't hate this campaign, but it's definitely one of the worst. it looks like a regular campaign instead of a valentine's day one. i don't know if they decided to keep it simple or they don't have enough money, which i doubt; no show, no fantasy bra (that holiday commercial wasn't special either so)... they have to have some money... somewhere
  13. she looks amazing. so sad she wasn't able to walk with her second outfit, it looked good
  14. okay... if she's an angel, why is she still working with aimer? vs allows now to work with different lingerie brands?
  15. didn't expect this! can't wait to see her photos
  16. josephine is confirmed for si https://amp.si.com/swim-daily/2020/01/21/josephine-skriver-si-swimsuit-2020-model-reveal
  17. but the problem is vs using ''random ass models'' or the models' weight? 🤔 anyway, i was expecting another type of campaign. they look good yeah but the campaign is simple and boring. even last year campaign was better and it wasn't my cup of tea
  18. not saying that i don't prefer taylor's body in 2016, but her body now doesn't look bad. it's true that she gained some weight, but you can't expect someone to have the same body for the rest of their life. everyone is different and someone can maintain their figure and others can't. maybe it was her decision to gain weight, maybe it had something to do with her health. either way, she looks amazing. same with barbara
  19. thanks! they deserved it tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ being a fan doesn't mean you have to approve everything your 'idol' does, but this is just hate
  20. did she... photoshopped her lips...?
  21. they deleted their account 🤔 or changed their username. does someone have screenshots of some of the comments? i'm kinda curious about what they commented on barbara's posts. but yeah, if it was hate, barbara did the right thing
  22. i agree with what you said, they don't have privileges now, but if they do some changes like less angels and give them 3 outfits if there's a show, using them more... about the latest campaign; they're trying to be diverse, if they don't have diversity inside the angels, how are they gonna be inclusive? they could have used more angels, like romee, leomie, taylor/sara and sui he (she's an angel in china but anyway) instead of nisaa, jasmine and chiharu
  23. i don't want them to get rid of the angel status tbh it's like if they get rid of the show ,, that's something that made them iconic and different from other brands. if they get rid of the angels, who would be interested in the brand? i wouldn't lol
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