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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. How sad, i had such a hilarious conversation with Strawberry..... anyway, love ya too , Ophelia
  2. tell him to kiss my ass

  3. No. But i went to my cousins' house and we played Egyptian War, you know Egyptian War ?!!! Egyption War.... HAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.....
  4. You must have mistaken me for someone else. I'm the nicest teddy bear you could ever see... *poses*
  5. I shine even when i sleep, baby!!! :shifty:

  6. *speaks Charlie the Unicorn* - Reneeee you non ba-li-verrrrrr....
  7. If he runs away, i'll make your life worse than dying. Now go clone The Joker and make him happy. SHOOO !!!

  8. Adriana. I'd love to see Ashton go clone a random guy, knocks her off, makes her cry and "OOPS !!! YOU'VE BEEN PUNK'D !! HA ! HA ! HA ! !!!!". Yeah, i'm weird like that.
  9. but you are already dead to me. Oh
  10. Put your personal statement away, im fishing here... :shifty:

  11. Is the robot who wants to love but could only destroy....
  12. Over my dead body ... :knives:
  13. Sorry to interupt but.... ANGIE IS ACTUALLY A ROBOT !!!!
  14. M&M ?! - yum !!!


    Mbinebri's house & car ?!! - I'd prefer 26 cents <_<

  15. Happy 2 o'clock Angie !!!

  16. Oh.no.she.di-int !!!!!! That's it Izzie. You and me. After school. Tomorrow. By the monkey bars.....
  17. You've got a habee bday message from The Joker. You may celebrate... :whistle: .


    BAHAHHA...Happy Birthday, whatchu get me this year ?!!

  18. Hey hey hey hey.... happy birthday !!!

  19. Happy birthday Josie and Maran. Do i forget anyone ?! Alright, you too Destiny .........
  20. ^ Oh my god Venezinha, you are so mean.... *runs away crying*
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