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Posts posted by SexyLeo91

  1. 26 minutes ago, Sugarwater said:

    I have a question for those who have seen the movie, but have not read the book. Were you able to understand what headrights  are and the significance of how they started the Reign of Terror? Both my niece and aunt do not think the movie explained this. I thought it did, but I also went into the movie with a good understanding of them and how they work.


    Somewhat Sugarwater, but I was already kinda familiar with headrights before seeing the film.  


  2. 1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

    I ate and drank right before the movie and I drank during the movie. Same for the group with me. We all got to pee right before the movie started and all of us made it through the movie without a break. It's also not necessarily true when you drink less you have to pee less (maybe your head is telling you this lol) It's actually the other way around if you drink lesser you have to pee more often believe it or not. When there is a lack of fluid, the kidneys produce highly concentrated urine, which irritates the bladder and increases the urge to urinate. Overall it more depends on how trained your bladder is and how much you drink on a daily basis. If your bladder is well trained you have to go to the bathroom every 4 hours. Another factor is what you drink of course (alcohol let you pee a lot more for example). Sry I work in a medical area I tell dehydrated people this shit every day :D


    Thanks Jade! 


    I think for me I just really didn't have an appetite during the film.

  3. WOW is all I'm gonna say! I saw it and it didn't feel long to me at all. I won't go into details until everyone's seen it. 


    That movie is definitely a reflection of America and the love story is heartbreaking. The sick thing is that idiot Ernest really loved Mollie, and she did too, in spite of, well just see the film :happy:


    I will say that Leo and Lily Gladstone's chemistry was off the chain. You could feel their mutual passion.


    I didn't drink a thing during the film, lol, so I didn't need a bathroom break :56608ac1cc5a3_smilynewone:



  4. okay here's my list (this was a great idea Jade), and thanks for the new posts! Excited for KOTFLM.


    1.  Inception. Seems tender, and a good dad too and the eyes:wub:

    2. Blood Diamond. Hot, sweaty and sexy too! Seems like he'd be a passionate lover!

    3. An oldie but goodie, Gangs of New York. That's the moment the lusting started, and hasn't ended since, lol.

    4. Departed. Tortured, seems sweet, and oh yeah that love scene, seems like he'd give his all to a woman. 

    5. Yes, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Rick Dalton is hot as hell! May need to bathe and lay off the alcohol, but besides that, I could not keep my eyes off him :wub:

    6. Man in the Iron Mask. Yep, both of them!

    7. Don't Look Up. He really was an AILF 😄

    8. Marvin's Room. We could have started a different kind of fire, made him forget about being a pyro, lol.

    9. Great Gatsby. Daisy who? LMAO!

    10.Wolf of Wall Street. I want the uncut scenes!


    Honorable mention: Revenant, cause damn he looks good in a beard, and I don't even really like beards, lol.


  5. 37 minutes ago, Sugarwater said:

    Thanks @Jade Bahrand everyone for all the pics and links, and videos. I can’t wait to be able to see this film for myself. It’s exciting to see Leo “working”. I’m ready to see some Leo interviews about the film now! 

    Let’s not forget the reason behind the film. People who are not indigenous will view the film as history, but it’s not. It still occurs here in Oklahoma everyday. Part of my job is to complete competency evaluations on indigenous prisoners, and I see the corruption and injustice all similar to what is portrayed in this film. Even the little things like this article I saw when I got my mail today are designed to remind the indigenous how insignificantly we are viewed. It’s exciting to see Leo, but don’t forget the truth of the film.



    Exactly Sugarwater! We still have a very long way to go when it comes to the continual racial disparity and discrimination.

  6. 1 hour ago, BarbieErin said:

    I ask the same as @Jade Bahr, I have NO Idea about American accents so IF some good soul can explain it to me I will be grateful, lol.    :56608ac1cc5a3_smilynewone:

    :D it's complicated, lol with all of the regions and parts of the states. The trailer is looking good! Yes Leo's eyes scared me too and will be a very haunting performance. Good! That's Leo at his best. Gonna watch this again, and thanks :wub:

  7. Check out 'Love Jones' Jade when you get a chance. That's a complicated, kinda star-crossed lovers type of situation🥰. It stars Nia Long and Larenz 
    Tate. The film itself is okay, but they do have hot chemistry!


    WEGG will always hold a special place in my heart when it comes to 90s Leo 😁


    Thanks Barbie, Jade and YouNoMe for the articles and pics :wub:

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