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Status Updates posted by OuTofDark

  1. :)) o cocolata calda sau o ciocolata calda?:))) cred ca aleg ciocolata :P

    ia uite ma .. printesa .. vrea sa fie si trasa :D

    poate o sa vin Pinkule .. sa te trag cu sania :D

  2. :))) a funny story? :D

    Bella`s 14 .

    end of the story :D

  3. :))) asa sa faci rozule .. daca e ceva interesant .. anunta`ma :D

    sau uita`te la ftv ;)

  4. :))) da 5 ore .. ca lucreaza la autostrada si ocoleste pe la Fetesti .. ai draq oameni ...

  5. :))) hey ... nu agat nici o fata ma .. io`s cumintel ;) ce draq ..nu`s golan ca tine asa

  6. :))) kick Bella?:D

  7. :))) scumpa de ea vrea cosmote :D

    am vodafone .. da`l draq de cosmote :P

  8. :)))) lasa ca`i bine .. stiu eu ca esti golanca mare

  9. :D eu sunt cuminte draga.nu merg dupa golance.ele vin dupa mine :)))

    da eu aveam aia. "kill a man and you`re a killer,kill a million,a king,kill them all and you`re a god" :D

  10. :D vad ca e misto azi.nu`i asa frig,e si soare.. merge o tura p`afara.vii?:P

  11. :laugh: can i join? i`ll get my whip :rofl:

  12. :laugh: juice? which one? orange?:P

  13. :laugh: or that.

    well .. we ned to see how we can replace the kitten there ...

  14. :P bonjour madmoiselle :P

  15. :P well life is good .. today i was at an air meeting at the american base here ... it was nice .. i`ll post pics .. it was a shitty weather .. but i`m glad that at least today is nice :P what about you?

  16. :rofl: but i`m sure the pain will still be there :D

  17. :rofl: you`re learning i see.

    now you`re ready. :D

  18. a hot coffee :laugh:

  19. a inceput sa ploua si aici .. a draq ploaie.

    iar pe net golanesti? :P cauti baieti a?

  20. aaa ce scumpa e :D

    ma primesti si pe mine in patutz acolo? :P

  21. aaa stiu filmu` .. e misto :D

    si acum esti iar la golanit a?

  22. actually ... i`m "da God" :)))

  23. Adevarat a inviat :D

    Marti s`ar putea sa vin la Buc cu un prieten :P

    te anunt maine sau marti dim ..

  24. ah e bine atunci :D

    pai trim un pm cu nr de tel .. si o sa ti`l las si eu.

    golanca mica :D

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