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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Ummm... I'm not sure what you mean? That link in my last comment was to those pictures, which are the new Next S/S catalogue as I said. I expect he's probably in more of the Menswear range if you look. It's next.co.uk, happy hunting!

  2. Unfortunately that film failed to make it to our cinema screens... But I was aware of it, and I hope to see it maybe when I'n in the UK this summer. I heard good things.

  3. Up and credited my friend...

  4. Us Behati fans start very young! Thank you.

  5. Very happy to see you around again my dear!

  6. Very true! I think they're just fickle - but folks like us KNOW who/what we like! That all said, I think I'm just about to change mine for Spring..!

  7. Vikki Blows? Que linda...

  8. Viste? Behati esta en Argentina!!!

  9. Voy a ir a proxima semana (finalmente) Tuve muchas problemas con 'la nube' (de cenizas)...

  10. Voy a volver a Reino Unido - Este fin de semana... Que suerte!

  11. We are a rarefied breed... But I see you've found a 'soul-mate' in Baby?!?! (Not to mention another blackrain visitation - more than I've ever had)

  12. We just need to educate members I guess?! One of my favourites that I reckon you'll probably know and like is 'Angels With Dirty Faces' - supreme Jimmy Cagney!

  13. We prefer the term 'warlock'!!!

  14. Week in wine country with a box full of fun(!) and decadent hat at a jaunty angle. Ciao...

  15. Weird synchronicity... My cousin just told me to watch 'Moon'. It's calling to me!

  16. Welcome! I'd like to make your gif - but I'm useless at that sort of thing... Hope you enjoy it here.

  17. Well - thanks to my fairy-dust sprinkling - you NOW have 3!!!

  18. Well about damn time! Bueno verte de nuevo...

  19. Well aren't you the little troublemaker?! Oh, my gossamer Ophelia, so 'pale as snow' - no wonder you get sick in a bad way. I hope you are being looked after as befits one so delicate?

  20. Well as 9-5 as freelancing ever gets! Yes, I probably end up spending too much time with flights of BZ fancy here - I just get caught up in the moment sometimes!

  21. Well hello! I'm OK, I've been boxing this weekend for the first time in about a year - sweating like a pig!!! I see you have lacrosse in your list there, do you play that too?

  22. Well how very neighbourly! Sunday evening, glass of wine... How about you?

  23. Well I got to learn a new German word! So that's Zahnstocher, Liebchen, Schadenfreude, Achtung, Was Zum Teufel...

  24. Well I hope to continue to cheer you up then - no mas lagrimas...

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