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Everything posted by nuttyfeet

  1. I think they might keep the footage of Ming falling just because she killed it afterwards. She also didn't look clumsy while falling and the overall chain of models being good sport was a lovely act of kindness. I just felt bad at the end tho when Martha got to close the show but the song got over. Nonetheless I think they will slow motion her "dress rehearsal" footage and do some editing magic to make it look cohesive.
  2. I am getting convinced more and more into the idea that Candice walked this show preggers. She didn't dye her roots, seemed to look happy on the surface as if she was hiding something maybe.... Morning sickness .... She looked banging just a few months after Anaca so her sudden body transformation would make more sense. Also wasn't she fanning herself and crying in Alessandra exit speech. Could be hightened emotions due to hormones ..... Won't be a surprise if all the speculations have weight to them.
  3. Say it one more time for the people in the back ! It's only a problem once your favourite gets a negative opinion voiced out until then it's all in fun and zest but don't dare say anything bad about my favourite angel. Just choose to ignore but why behave like the other person's opinion should be cencored !
  4. 1+ No one is expecting her to have a straight face and not have fun but if you want to dance on the runway atleast look good doing it. She does it so unsure and half heartedly that it ends up looking awkward and bizarre. Last year it still looked ok. This year I can't even ...
  5. @Kevork89 maybe, I heard it too and I wanted it for grace myself because she deserves to be in mainline according to me but considering how Elsa and Behati were stuck in pink a year too long ....I do suspect they did really gave grace a mainline outfit because they had too !
  6. Precisely why it was believable that yet another colourful gypsy theme segment will open. Also its the only segment to have both Candice and Ale so pretty sure either way Candice would have opened and Alessandra closed. Josephine just buried herself with that aweful dance. She looks really awkward doing it imo
  7. No wonder Ming tripped with the long trail she had I am sure she handled it like a pro. She is super endearing so I can imagine she managed to look beautiful even while falling won't be surprised if they keep it in the final footage because "vs loves impromptu moments" like these
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