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Posts posted by snort

  1. 10 hours ago, cybernet said:

    She's just incredible. Too bad those are censored.

    It's no secret what her nipples look like. But I don't really understand the thought process.  Why take nudes only to wreck them by sticking white dots on them?  Surely if you're offended by nipples the answer is... don't shoot nudes?

  2. 2 hours ago, pimpl said:


    Excuse this provocative question - I really do not want to start a controversy. But in all seriousness, isn't Nicola a bit too thick to be an actual model? She is hot and has a nice face, but I would not label her 'fashion model'.

    Sorry if I offend someone, but I really wonder why she's so successful..

    I assume by "actual model" you mean high fashion catwalk model.  But who wants to see swimwear and lingerie being modelled by a five foot ten stick insect?  "actual models" come in all shapes and sizes and to describe Nicola as "thick" is absurd.

  3. She's a mystery to me.  In her early days, the whole "Sissi" period, she was rather plain.  Then around 1970, he blossomed into a remarkable beauty.  And then of course, she aged rapidly as a result of all her troubles.  But there was a period of maybe seven or eight years when she was just a strikingly beautiful woman.

  4. 3 hours ago, Bloodshot said:

    She’s a model, she’s not “most people”, different standard/expectations.  Just like an athlete, I don’t watch pro sports for bums to be playing.

    The oldest player in the NBA is LeBron.  If you were to go to a game and jeer at LeBron that he's not as sharp as he used to be, I'd say you were completely missing the point.

  5. 14 hours ago, Smarf said:


    Yeah, I remember when she was talking about how excited she was for filming, and then posted multiple IG stories a day while on set.


    Then the movie came out in theaters and she didn't even promote is a single time, lol.


    Her instagram describes her as "actor".  At this stage you'd have to say that's aspirational, but it's not a bad aspiration.

  6. 4 hours ago, radolgc said:

    Lol, what an ignorant opinion. Education is not a barometer for intellifence, wisdom or knowledge. Sience almost does not exist anymore and scientists are some of the most stupid people in the world. Wanting whatever opinion from another person is wrong. Finding the truth on your own is the only way. Big models are business women and they do need a lot of wisdom to keep a long career. Just because you are pretty and did not waste your time for education does not mean you can not be an expert in any science. I am amazed by most opinions being expressed here.  

    Thanks for setting me straight.  Next time I need an airplane designed, or a new computer created, I'll bypass the scientists and go look for a model who dropped out of school at sixteen.  What could possibly go wrong?

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