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Everything posted by Steph_26

  1. i guess it's because Isa has 2 kids and a boyfriend. So i think she doens't have much time to hang around with the girls as she used to.But i'm sure they still love each other, i mean that's what i can tell watching them together in photos and videos.
  2. oh my god. Her little boy is so adorable! You just want to cuddle him! So cute and pretty!
  3. That's interesting. Thanks! I didn't know....
  4. It looks all very elegant! I like the messy hair, its cute. But I can't imagine a situation when to wear this kind of a bathing suit? Certainly not at the beach.
  5. ...some more pics! Thank you!!!! She looks so beautiful even without any make-up! And she looks so fresh.
  6. This was her boyfriend? I didn't know! How do you know? How long have they been together?
  7. Ah thanks! I first thought it might be a strawberry I wish'd there were more pics of her at the Lenny party!
  8. What is she holding in her hand?
  9. Ana Beatriz Barros e o namorado misterioso Qui, 12/06/08 por Florença Mazza | categoria Fashion Rio | tags backstage, Lenny _mg_0647.JPG Foto: Marcos Serra Lima Ana Beatriz Barros volta ao Rio um ano depois de seu último desfile, exlusiva para a Lenny. Acostumada a trabalhar no Dia dos Namorados, ela está feliz este ano, pois seu amor - um empresário brasileiro cujo nome ela mantém em sigilo - estará na platéia para assisti-la. O casal, há sete meses juntos, mantém o namoro na base de viagens entre Brasil e Nova York. “Estou muito apaixonadaâ€, derrete-se. Não é para menos: o namorado misterioso mandou 110 rosas para ela nesta quinta-feira, 12, e lhe deu um pingente de diamantes, em forma de elefantinho, que ela mostrava toda prosa no backstage. Hi, there was an article about Ana Beatriz on globo. It's title: Ana Beatriz and her misterious boyfriend it says: Ana Beatriz returned to Rio, one year after her last desfile there. She is used to work on the "day of the people in love", but this year she is happy that her boyfriend is going to assist her show. Her boyfriend is brazilian and has a business, but she doesn't want to reveal his name. They have been together for 7 months now. She admits she is very much in love. This misterious boyfriend did send her 110 roses on thursday. He also gave her a necklace with diamonds in form of an elephant. She shows the necklace backstage. You can see the little elephant around her neck on this picture. PS: Would be strange if her boyfriend really is this grandson of O Globo founder, because the article appeared on O Globo.
  10. Raica is so pretty! I like her very much!
  11. Raica is so pretty! I like her very much!
  12. She has a beautiful and cute face! But she is way too small to be a real model.
  13. THANK YOU FOR POSTING!!!! :hell yea!: Can't wait to see the GQ pics in HQ.
  14. Hi, I have found these two videos on youtube. Ana partying in Sao Paulo. They are not new, but maybe you haven't seen them before.
  15. I wish so much we had some new candids. I would love to see candids of her birthday party.... Would be so great!
  16. she reminds me of Angelina Jolie with those lips....
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