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Everything posted by morpheu

  1. morpheu


    Following ,unfollowing someone doesn't mean toxic.Nobody knows why she did it,that she had a good reason or was being childish about it.If she is that unhappy,she would break up like she did with the others.If people like believing pictures, rumors and social media then go ahead.She didn't make anything obvious other that they had a problem.People in relationships have problems ,nothing toxic about it.When you say her following unfollowing is not a big deal but now somehow it is because it's him.Apparently people can't tell when she makes jokes,she obviously was joking about the 7 feet boyfriends,she was laughing after she said it and she dated shorter boyfriends before metin anyway.To me she is with him,which means she still likes him.If she wasn't happy,she would break up,didn't stop her with all the others..Pictures and social media stuff doesn't mean anything in a relationship.She is human and can be pissed off on other issues then metin. Edit:people are laughing that she is dating someone way bellow her league.That is shallow in itself,regardless of how he is.And the daily mail is a garbage publication that has been sued multiple times and lost with made up stories,with garbage writers and people that comment based on appearences.
  2. morpheu


    I never said i have figured it out based on how they look in pictures.I don't know or care really,i don't look at pictures or little video clips to figure out a relationship because they never tell the full story.You haven't seen the entire party or anything they are doing together since then.Not evreything is what it seems.You barely see paps pictures of her or any lately to even say if she is happy or not.He sure as hell doesn't go to parties often so i don't think that is where he is confortable.So if you give someone a second chance means it is toxic?no it isn't because nobody knows why they had an argument and i would bet he didn't dare to touch her,she would probably beat his skinny ass.She was glowing in berlin and geneve and that was after she spent time with him.Kids have school btw,they are never 24/7 with her even if she was single now.Any mother that dates has to deal with this and if she want's something stable,she needs to figure it out.If it was a celebrity you like was staying with her now ,you would not be saying that.Him being there means he want's this to work for whatever reason.And yes,living with someone is going to the next step,not unusual.I know he has a clinic which he owns in istanbull but it was shut down for a while,maybe he has more of them and he can just sit and live off that money for a while.What do you wan't him to do when they have a chef and he clearly isn't into parties?It's not like she is getting him cars and such.Her social media stuff has always been weird,only thing for certain is that she want's this to be private for now.My only fear is that she will invest in his crap because she said in that show about the whole bieber height thing that she would not mind doing something together with her other half and she was serious when she said it.If she isn't happy with him ,then she will break up if you are right,but they are together so clearly she is happy enough.He might be the nicest guy ever but i don't care about his line of work,would take a doctor that worked and studied his whole life and doesn't wan't the spotlight over him.I am done talking about this "healer".I follow Adriana,not him.If she is happy with him,good for her.
  3. morpheu


    I don't need photos to know that.He is staying in a foreign country for almost a month just to please her for whatever reason.What he is selling won't work in the US or the west anyway because it is nothing new and most people view his kind as frauds because a lot of these good will "healers" were exposed so many times that people just don't believe in them anymore.Whatever plan he has won't work,or he will just be a leech.Only thing i have always said about her dating is that she should find someone from the same damn city she lives in.I saw and read enough of him so i fully don't care about him.If she is happy,good for her.I don't know the intimate details of their relationship so no point of me saying how they are based on some pictures.Maybe he is doing evreything possible for the relationship to work,maybe he really loves her,maybe he just sees an oportunity to snag a rich wife and get an american visa and be a leech,maybe all of the above.I never cared that much about her dating life and it's her buissness at the end of the day of what she want's from a man.Maybe she just want's a little slave to do her biding because he sure as hell ain't a alpha and considering her status compared to his,he would just be her little puppy because he will never have her money. Btw :maybe she doesn't feel like showing the same love in front of the cameras,which is understandable since she stoped sharing anything about him for a while
  4. morpheu


    There were photos with joe at the beach and gym.You can find photos of evrey celebrity going to random non-VIP places,no big deal.Considering he has been there for almost a month,it's surprising these are the only ones tbh.I just wan't to see some new work out of her allready.
  5. You are pretty clear that you didn't mean other people.Talking about a job when the LOVE videos where coming out and she does LOVE yearly.She was barely fed by doing nude,mostly when she was young,that is a FACT.She said she didn't mean VS who show lingerie and not nude,so if not lingerie then nude.She unfollowed very phew models for whatever reason(models that she wasn't ever close too except maybe candice at nut that wen't sour for her own reasons) and those models still follow her.Her following /unfollowing is not personal with her,that has allready been stated by you multiple times.I did not post my feelings,those are straight up facts.Her post was vague ,so if it was vague you are simply choosing what to believe even after her statement.I would have been mad if it was VS.The industry's opinion matters and they have her number or her agent's number to clarify it,especially VS.She barely had any new jobs at the beginning of last year or covers untill summer/fall.Her post was over a month ago and no new development has happened to her new thing.You stated what other people may understand from her post almost daily,
  6. I said her post was dumb ,you go on to say she was slamming models and the whole industry that "fed" her,when she meant not doing nude.She barely did nude in her entire career,mostly when she was younger.The reason for the statement is that people thought she was leaving VS because her post was vague hence why i said it was dumb.Didn't say anything about any model and no model has said anything bad about her.It rubs you the wrong way,a fan,not the people that know her apparently,or models that supported her post.She didn't do absolutely nothing after that post,even wen't back to work and you still got stuff to say over and over again.Her post was negative?it's a very good life quote.Quotes that she's been posting for more then a year.Even if she does have problems,so does evreybody else.I don't know her or her close friends so i am not going about her personal life Didn't slam the industry or other models.She doesn't wan't to do nude because of that dumb text from whatever friend.So yes ,you were saying fake news. Well she either meant nude or LOVE.She didn't say that it was degrading or anything bad,just that the reason should be different or more worthy in her opinion.And no huge model has unfollowed her.-1k followers, i am sure she cares when she was over 11 million lol,she lost way more after what weird immigrant video and those numbers will go right back up when she will post more often. Edit:You can believe what you wan't about her,but saying that she dissed fellow models or the industry that "fed" her is fake news.Modelling is a hell of a lot more then nude btw.For the past few months this section was about her relationship not her career.She barely posts anything when she is with any boyfriend so no surprise she barely posts stuff.
  7. She didn't shame any other model or brand.Stop with the fake news allready
  8. And just as many that follow her for a long time don't feel that way and the people that actually met her recently say the same things about her,that she is beautifull ,sweet and full of energy.One post won't change my opinion about her,no matter how dumb it is and i don't know her and most likely never will so can't tell just on IG if she changed if i never knew her.And the only brand she takes her clothes off for is VS nowadays and she wasn't reffering to them and i doubt the industry doesn't know that since evreybody knows her and probably cleared it with her agent or her.Evrey other model her age except gisele doesn't make nearly as much as her.And she is shifting to television and acting allready which is normal for a model.She was allready at Berlin and Geneve and now Paris so apparently those brands didn't care about her post since she never reffered to any brand.She is posting less about her children which is good,way too many freaks on the internet and i saw some death threats recently on her posts so maybe she is more carefull when she is at home.
  9. 1.She grows older like evreybody else and will wan't to do something else eventually. 2.Evreyone that met her and still meets her say only nice things about her including her energy and you don't know how many times she goes to the gym because if she doesn't post it,it doesn't mean she doesn't go and there were the holidays last month anyway 3.???? 4.Always had periods from time to time for even a week of not posting or barely posting anything on social media for random reasons and this is going on since she had IG. Never mentioned any brand in her post,never talked badly about any brand.Her relationship with VS goes a long time back,it will take more then a dumb post to erase that.She only does VS sport for them , something around the holiday season, the show and very rarely an autograph signing.She was talking about nude at the end of the day and she barely does any nude anyway. With over 80 million dollars she can afford a lot stuff now lol
  10. Adriana gets work now because of her face,skin,body and very long and popular career(especially in commercials).She is part of the golden era of VS which evrey millennial and generation x knows about.She will slow down when she wants to or when the industry will say no to her because of her age(they are not kind to models as they age beyond 35).She is not a instamodel,she doesn't rely on IG with her face and experience.Evrey model slows down after 35,she is no exception,especially in covers.She is still getting paid big $$$ ,so she is doing amazing. Also she became famous before social media was even a thing,doesn't need it nearly as much as the newer models from today.
  11. morpheu


    it's a quote from an old movie:10 things i hate about you.
  12. Don't see how political affiliation has anything to do with this.
  13. He says he denies talking to them but i don't get how they never have him on tape saying these things.Like,no camera ,no nothing in 2018 or a damn crappy quality phone,really?.Also i don't think that account belongs to metin,maybe a close friend,familly member or a crazy fan that follows here.He would not be that dumb
  14. There are acounts like metinloveadriana created since they were dating and those are most likely his turkish fans.The now deleted account also follows brady and gisele so it could also be just a hater of adriana and a gisele fan.Best seller in a country gets you a lot of local fans
  15. Could be one of metin's familly member or one of his crazy fans.He is a "healing guru".Look up guru's fan base and how dedicated they are to their "master".I would not be surprised either way.He holds seminars and stuff around turkey,he does have crazy fans just how adriana has some crazy fans but his fans are brainwashed
  16. Don't know what you mean Well since all this thread is being talked about,you either try in a respectfull manner to raise some red flags or just don't.A lot of people here say they are concerned fans.So it is worth a shot if anyone trully cares about her and not just making drama here.This stuff here is not being researched by anyone tbh.And the faster she sees this the better.But this thread is a real big cluster of opinions and proof.More opinions then proof,they would have to have a lot patience and nerves reading through all of this.Especially a familly member which adriana helped a lot.I would imagine being a family member and reading how she gets called names by people that never met her regardless of the reason would be pretty bad,since she never did no harm to anyone here
  17. People here were comenting on her friends and familly just not caring about her and saying they are just "yes" people in her life,calling her names etc.They will just think these are some random people that don't like his boyfriend who they have never met,or met anyone in her circle or her by that matter.That brett guy on her IG is also a "fan" of her so anything that anyone were to dm them would be suspicious but done in a respectfull way it can work imo.This whole thread about him is also proof but also a lot of name calling which will tick some people off.Who the hell digs like this about her or his partner?.Fans or paranoid people.In some cases both
  18. then find a way to show her close circle proof in a respectfull manner or she will never know about all this shaddy stuff.Just my 2 cents,i'm out.I am 100% sure she doesn't use IG to dig up stuff,or closely watch his behavior on IG or follow this forum .Mass forward it to like tamara,her cousin,cristina,that greek gay dude.
  19. When has she shared anything bad related to her close friends or familly on IG?Tamara's post was quite obvious since she was clearly in miami at the time.And she either meant adriana or another female friend from miami.
  20. Yes but taking to IG to share your frustrations about someone is a bad thing to do.She should have met adriana and tell her in private, not on IG.Especially since it is not clear what is her problem with her.Hell, she could be mad because adriana was with her boyfriend from another country which she doesn't see that often and didn't see her when she wen't to miami.It will only make it worse by going public.Good night btw
  21. I aggree with you.She should talk to her directly and calm about anything that bothered her,not like that.
  22. Obvious to you,not a member of her family who doesn't follow this thread,why would they when they know her?.I don't know adriana or anyone in her circle so it is pointless explaining anything to me and i am not defending him lol.You think people in her circle just start digging stuff about her boyfriends from IG?They obviously don't,not evreyone cares that much about IG.Especially older people who didn't grew up with social media
  23. You're opinion which you can't prove.There are just as many legit reasons to cast doubt on whether who has access to that account.And the more you wait the more you can't prove to anyone if those comments were deleted after they were seen here because IG doesn't have any statistic on when something is deleted.It is your word as a complete stranger to anyone outside this forum
  24. That looks suspicious but at the same time you can't proove if it's her mothers,she can very well use @yahoo for her real IG and this might be one of this crazy fans.It is suspicious though that she randomly found it.It depends how and what proof you show to her friends or family and how you talk in that msg.
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