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Posts posted by Poseidon

  1. 5 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

    Traditional Christmas isn't "inclusive" enough. Bring on the Pink Dammit.

    Halloween is racist, sexiest and bigoted. Bring on NO FUN Dammit.

    Mother's day - You mean People's Day. Bring on the no mom's Dammit.

    Columbus (Day) - HATEFUL. Destroy all monuments of genocide and Kill all colonizers Dammit.

    Welcome to wokeness my friend :rofl:






    note not my personal opinion....



    I'm going to report you for excluding several aspects of society.  Drop the non-inclusive examples or pay the price :rofl:  #banHer

  2. If the show comes back on netflix (or any other streaming platform), I highly doubt it will be back as we know it. They’ll hire a real director that will turn everything less amateurish. The middle segments will probably feel like small movies that follow some pattern/theme, giving it a sense of cohesion instead of having the angels just randomly talking about their pets, their work as farmers as they grew up, etc...


    As for the actual show, I doubt a streaming platform would invest thousands/millions for it to look anything less than perfect. As such, I doubt you will see the mistakes that got us going for weeks, even if they have to record the show a thousand times. 


    I also doubt you’ll have any stuff to talk about in the weeks leading up to the show. Streaming platforms are really tight lipped about their releases until they are actually released. 


    All in all, the “show”, if it ever comes back as such, will probably be a more approachable experience for the random viewer but a much less enjoyable one for us, the fanatics.


  3. @bump, most of your posts put a smile on my face. They always follow the same pattern:


    First paragraph: “I’m bored” or “Maybe no one cares” 


    Second paragraph: Description of every single angel, repeating the same things ad nauseam: “She’s boring”, “I don’t like her face”, “she’s nice”, “I used to like X last page but I don’t in this one”


    Third paragraph:  “I probably forgot some angel because there are so many now”

  4. 41 minutes ago, CandleVixen said:

    Would somebody translate for me? Google Translate hates my phone. 


    On the show:

    - They had to take a step back this year so that they could come back stronger next year.

    - Ed was the one that told them all in person that the show was cancelled.

    - While the show's cancellation is a delicate matter, it was the right decision. It's better to have the show cancelled this year than "do it all wrong" and having everyone criticizing it again.


    On the topic of Ed and the whole trans-comments mess, she said she's really close to him and that he's 71 years old, he "made" some of the biggest models and he made the show. Times have changed and he noticed that he wasn't helping VS (with his comments, I suppose). As such, he was the one who decided to leave so the brand could pave its own path.


    Regarding Valentina Sampaio, Laís said she has a tendency to push forward people she likes, not only in VS but also in real life. She says Valentina is a really beautiful girl who can help bring down some stereotypes and make herself an example so she's really happy that VS shot with them and that the brand is opening itself to diversity.

  5. 6 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

    Soon to be 30 year old doesn't just stop having fun, doesn't stop having energy, doesn't stop trying to be positive and happy. 


    Alexina - "The younger you act, the younger you feel, and that's just how I am. I do have down days of course, depression does run in my family on the women's (side), and I once had a really bad week of it (it was awhile ago), it was terrible, I couldn't get out of bed, I was crying all the time." 

    It seems like she might have a more upbeat quirky attitude as a means of coping even if it's on a subconscious level (she's also seen a professional about it), and I commend her for that. Better to be happy and enjoy your surroundings and the people in it then act all buttoned up. God forbid she act like a "10 year old".


    On the runway I'd personality love to see a serious walk, but as long as she's having fun, more power to her.



    That’s all rather good but she’s not Pink’s spokesmodel, is she? All she comes across as is goofy. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Clauds said:


    Barbara - Curvy angel, a new-found role within VS but we'll see how it goes

    Taylor - Brunette bombshell, meant to fill in for Alessandra and it's working! 

    Candice - Blonde bombshell, meant to fill in for Karolina Kurkova and it worked! 

    Elsa - Cutesy, friendly blonde, your bff, shoulda been the new Heidi, did not happen

    Stella - Edgy Angel, IMO another new aesthetic VS wanted to try and I think it works, she does add something different.

    Lais - Token Brazilian Angel, there's gotta be a Brazilian bombshell in there

    Jasmine - African American bombshell, shoulda been the new Tyra, did not happen

    Alexina - The other cutesy, goofy Angel, could aso be your best friend, also finally the redhead angel.

    Leomie - The extra one, loud as fuck, Brit with wits. Another gig VS is trying for the first time, we'll see how it goes

    Grace - The classy one, I'm guessing VS would want to mold her as the new Gisele-esque model.

    Jo - The sporty, friendly one, "one of the boys" 

    Sara - Shoulda been the new Adriana, did not happen, probably why the whole Saylor act was dropped

    Romee - Shoulda been the new Candice, did not happen


    VS is responsible for all those girls being should-have-beens. All of them have/had huge potential but... Instead of using pics of them as sexy, bombshell girls VS gives you cute girl 1, cute girl 2, cute girl 3 and unused girl 1, unused girl 2 and unused girl 3. 

  7. You all harp on about VS having no "household names" but the truth is... That's fashion nowadays. There are no "household names" anymore. Social media made it so that everyone is replaceable. While it is way easier to get your own 5 minutes of fame, it's increasingly harder to stay at the top for a long time. No current model is internationally known nowadays. The last supermodel appeared some 10/15 years ago, before social media was a thing.

    Pretty much everyone has access to the internet nowadays. Why would a brand invest in 3 or 4 unapproachable spokespeople, pay them millions just for them to be adored by 10% of the population when they can have 15 girls, pay them way less, and get access to 90% of the same population?

    When you  add in the fact that we now live in a politically-correct era, even all the Plain Janes you deem as so detestable have a place in advertisement/fashion/VS.


    With that said, I don't understand how  they still don't have an Asian angel.

  8. Is it possible that Sara's angel contract has changed? It has been months since she tagged VS Sport in any of her work-out posts/stories and I've also noticed she has thanked/tagged Adidas in some insta stories this last month. Maybe it's nothing but I just found it weird.


    I've also noticed that, lately, she hasn't been posting as much as before. There's no information on shoots, etc... It's basically VS and Armani nowadays. She did say in one of her stories that there was a project that she was really excited about. Wonder what that is.

  9. On 2/16/2019 at 3:35 PM, bump said:


    My favorite out of the current Angels would have to be Romee I guess because Behati and Candice don't count anymore, Lily is gone, Miranda has been gone...I used to like Elsa but not a fan anymore...so I guess my favorite current Angel is Romee....wow that is weird to say. I have always thought she was cute, but I NEVER thought she'd be my favorite Angel....Jasmine is a close second though.


    19 minutes ago, bump said:


    I kinda wanna kick out all the Angels and replace them with these girls lol. I still like Taylor and Josephine, but I'm over Elsa, kind over Romee, never liked Sara/Lais/Stella/Martha, Candice/Behati don't count anymore, Lily is gone....


    That changed quickly. 😂

  10. The show was pretty decent, in general.

    My issue is... I don't think I've heard the word "angel" even once during the whole event. The girls names aren't used in the intro, they don't speak in the in-between segments, etc... It's completely impossible to distinguish the angels from the other models, unless you're a fan/follower.

    If you can't use your biggest event to showcase your spokespeople, what's the point of having spokespeople at all? 

    VS needs to hype their girls, put them on pedestals, create a following, like they did 20 to 10 years ago. Only then will they be useful in actually selling something. For as much as people like or dislike any given "new angel", this problem is not any of the girls' fault. The problem is with the company and how they publicize them. 


    Instead of having the general crowd googling "Sara/Elsa/Taylor from Victoria's Secret" and get them to follow them and their work (with VS) and thus potentially increasing sales, you'll have the general crowd watching the show and forgetting its existence within a day.  There's really nothing to gain from the show because there's no follow-up at all. Watch the show as an outsider and what will you do once the show ends? Which girl will you search for? 

  11. Just now, gotportugal said:

    C'mon guys, we don't need to have this conversation every year, is anybody still shocked that she didnt have anything? I dont really mind, I have made my peace with it A LONG time ago..

    just enjoy that she was probably the top3 in outfits of the WHOLE SHOW.


    I'm completely with you on this ;)


    Btw, how many followers did she gain in the last few days? What about the other angels? 

  12. On the topic of the fantasy bra, these last two choices (Laís and Elsa) were the obvious ones based on seniority within the brand. In terms of having any kind of relevant role within the brand (before they were made angels), all the others are pretty much interchangeable. Whether they started working for VS, a year or so before the others, is pretty much irrelevant. 

    Whether by their own choice or by whatever is written on their contracts, both Sara and Stella have never worked as much for the brand as the other NA. If the choices for the opening, FB and SO, are based on the work they do around the year, then it's pretty obvious those two have to get the shorter stick. 




  13. I know we, Sara fans,are quite sad that she didn't get anything relevant but... Let's be honest, do you think Jo, Martha and Behati are any happier than Sara because they got to close a segment? Do any of these girls even think that's relevant after having walked this show atleast 6 times? 


    I'm just happy Sara got two good/great outfits and that she's having the best year of her career. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

    Allergy Wings!! I forgot about those.




    So she wasn't pregnant last year, she was swollen due to an allergic reaction. 

    Bring her an EpiPen, that shit has anaphylactic shock-inducing properties.

  15. 2 minutes ago, MarVS said:



    I LOL at the level of wanking over this Grace girl. I count atleast 3 girls in those pictures that look better than her. 

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