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Everything posted by camomille

  1. The difference between this and the campaigns of the new angels while she was gone is huge, so glad she's back!
  2. They're probably doing the whole "look you can wear our lingerie as clothes!!!" thing again
  3. I thought it looked pretty real, usually you can tell when it's fake but especially after the videos she posted on Snapchat I think it's real. On one hand I'm glad, because now there's a little variation, but on the other hand I think she looked way better/more like a bombshell with long hair. Not that long hair is needed to be a bombshell of course, I just think she looked better with long hair. Edit: oh lmao you were right, she just posted that it was fake
  4. Has Jo really cut her hair (see her insta story)?
  5. I want to know what happened between Romee and Maud Welzen. It seems like when Romee became an angel they started hanging out less and less as Romee was always with Jas and Taylor, and then they all of the sudden just stopped hanging out completely.
  6. If it's true then I'm glad they added some diversity, but they need to cut people before adding more of them. There are just too many angels now. I hope what happened to Kate doesn't happen to her - open a store in a country related to the new angel and then drop her after a year (though I don't know why Kate eventually left)
  7. She was on set not too long ago according to her snapchat, I think it was about a week ago?
  8. Yeah I thought that was odd too. I hope it was just random background music because I hate them lmao, but I doubt it because she tagged them
  9. Looks like Lily. The girls are definitely shooting one of those dumb lip sync videos. Martha just put a video on her insta stories of the set and tagged The Chainsmokers and VS + in all other snaps and this video their song "Don't Let Me Down" is playing.
  10. I wonder if all other NA renewed as well? And if so, all for 2 more years?
  11. For everyone interested, shop the show is online already: https://www.victoriassecret.com/bras/runway-themes-collection. Not all looks are featured, but that's probably because some bra's aren't available anymore (the lace longline bra Romee (MR) and Taylor (DA) wore for example). But there'll probably be a discount+shipping promo again during the show!
  12. I keep forgetting it airs so soon! They did do a thing on Snapchat though a couple of weeks ago where you could vote for things like best outfit, best reaction to the fantasy bra or something like that, and said the results would be shown during the live pre show
  13. Everyone had final fittings in Paris, the dragon was probably just not completely finished yet. They decide who's opening the show waaaay earlier than a couple of days before the show if I recall correctly
  14. Jas, Jo, Taylor, Elsa and Adri probably. How many models were there last year? Maybe they'll bring back Gigi as well. And I'm thinking Grace Hopefully they'll prepare the model game a bit better this time if they do one again, last year's seemed so disorganized
  15. Me too! When I saw the low quality snapchat videos I died, but after seeing the HQ pictures it's way better. Still think Elsa deserved some amazing wings, but it's not as bad as I thought it was when I first saw it
  16. Aren't all those rights to the photos super expensive?
  17. Damn 18 months? I wonder if they're already planning another show abroad, somewhere in Asia perhaps because an actual store (not one of those beauty & accessories stores :p) is opening in Shanghai soon (or has it already opened?) and they're marketing "New York - London - Shanghai" underneath their logo everywhere all of the sudden. On their stores, their website etc
  18. Lmao Adri! I liked the videos more when they filmed it on/near the runway
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