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Everything posted by nhlovesadri

  1. Video about the vsfs 2016 from ET Canada, there're some show backstage moments with Adriana having fun, but she hasn't a lot of screentime. http://etcanada.com/video/824081987858/victorias-secret-fashion-show-paris-2016/
  2. All The Weekend's snapchat videos from the show, there's also Adriana in some of them.
  3. Somebody could please help me downloading and posting on the motion thread a snapchat video of Adriana? I saw a gifset on tumblr of her at the vsfs 2016 from the Weekend snapchat, and I'd like to see that video but I don't have snapchat so I can't I reblogged the gifset on my blog, it's there : http://nhlovesadri2.tumblr.com/post/154045058797/adriana-lima-on-the-weeknds-snapchat Never mind guys, I found a video on youtube with all his snapchat videos from the show, I'm going to post it on the right thread.
  4. Backstage interview: http://www.public.fr/Public-TV/Scoop-Public-TV/Adriana-Lima-Ange-de-Victoria-s-Secret-J-ai-20-ans-de-carriere-Il-n-y-a-pas-de-secret-1213049
  5. Interview backstage, there's also a bit of Adriana http://www.purepeople.com/article/victoria-s-secret-a-paris-les-coulisses-d-un-defile-spectaculaire_a212723/1
  6. Adriana is in these 2 yahoo style videos, only for a few seconds each, bt considering this year complete lack of backstage interviews is better then nothing... https://www.yahoo.com/news/backstage-angels-pre-show-rituals-130000236.html?format=embed# https://www.yahoo.com/style/victorias-secret-angels-face-off-singing-lady-gaga-the-weeknd-170340383.html
  7. Yesterday night at a charity event in Maimi, with Maryna Linchuk and Jasmine Sanders. Pictures from DailyMail. I hope somebody can get the HQs and post them because I'm in love with this look.
  8. Adriana yesterday night was
  9. And she still has the live pre-show, she has always been there since 2011 so I guess she will attend also this year.
  10. Adriana's ig stories of today 14595064_217110155366315_9005661690808762368_n.mp4
  11. This video had Adriana's lima written wrong on her tag, so VS deleted it and fixed it. This is the new link.
  12. @duhampi Colbert criticized Trump on this show for months now, so they think Adriana being there means she doesn't support him (wich btw is obvious since he made countless racist comments about South Americans and sending away all non US citizens from America, so she can't support him).
  13. http://www.marca.com/tiramillas/actualidad/2016/12/02/584178f046163f947a8b4636.html On this website there's a video interview of Adriana backstage at the vsfs 2016; however I downloded it and I uploaded it here so everybody can get it: Clip_exclusivo_de_Adriana_Lima_minutos_antes_del_desfile_de_.flv
  14. @Miz_B Thank you for explaining it to me, now I understand that hashtag. And I agree with you, Adriana has survived on a mean and merciless work environment as the fashion industry for 20 years, she won't have a problem with an annoying interviewer. Maybe we will get some more shady gems like the one about Bieber
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