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Everything posted by htttps

  1. username change! i used to be @apocalypsian 



  2. htttps

    Sergio Ramos

    training, posted on his Facebook on November 4th, 2017
  3. htttps

    Sergio Ramos

    posted on his Facebook | November 5th 2017 "Solo valía ganar. Esto sigue. / Only a win was enough. This continues. #HalaMadrid"
  4. htttps

    Sergio Ramos

    from a match, posted in his twitter on September 17th
  5. more photos from the set of Venom
  6. i think you're supposed to post this in the 'Babe polls' subforum.... but anyways, i think Barbara is prettier
  7. why did they even bother going to the casting then? lmao i think a lot of models (and their fans) seem to forget that VS is a brand, and while Ed&Co might be friendly with certain people, they ultimately have to do what's best for the brand, not the model of the moment. they are the ones auditioning to get a spot in the show and a chance to work with the brand, not the other way around. why would they pay more money to 2 specific people when for that same amount they could book 4 different girls who would make the show more interesting? its ridiculous
  8. Well, i finally created a signature and changed my whole account to a black and white theme. I like it very much. Hope you like it too.


    shoutout to my old icon for being with me all this time (almost a year). you will be truly missed




  9. Rihanna for ELLE US (October 2017)
  10. Zendaya x Aqua Greatest Showman capsule collection for Bloomingdale's
  11. no, someone asked what would happen if Lais injured herself and couldnt make it (since she already broke her ankle in the past and couldnt make it, but this time she's wearing the fantasy bra so its more important), and people are suggesting what they think would VS do in that situation nothing bad happened
  12. i was bored so i went to the 'road to runway' video to see about the whole runway ordeal the first runway they showed was this one: knowing VS, they'll probably stick to what they know and use this one. maybe they'll add some panels to the side of the runway to make it more insteresting or something, who knows. i guess the 1044 is the actual number of people they have to accomodate in the seats, since on both sides of the runway it says 522 the second one they showed was this one: i actually think this was a good idea, and it could actually work IF instead of putting people inside the curves, they put the singers/artists/bands/whatever there. that way, the singers dont get in the way of the models, and they dont take much attention from the catwalk either since they're at two different levels. and it says "active video surface" on the wall behind, but on the floor too, which means they could use different images for each theme and everything would look more put together and organized, instead of random themes going down the same exact runway. the last one they showed was this one: seeing the image now, i dont think this would really work. if this is the final design then it doesnt really make much sense to me, because if you're sitting on one side you can clearly see the catwalk in fron tof you, but you cant see the center one (its at a lower level) or the catwalk on the other side. i now they mostly care about the final cut that they're oing to show on tv an all of that, but if they have trouble recording the show with just one runway because there's too much going on, i dont think they could really handle 3 different runways. also there's no panels, just hanging lights, so they would have to rely on changing the bulb colors to match each theme. ________________________________ but yeah, sorry for rambling about this. like i said, i was bored and i had free time.
  13. +1000 i think after years of rumors in literally every gossip page, blog and forum; they day he finally settles down forever will be iconic and i cant wait for him to have kids. he always seems good around his friend's kids so i'm sure he will be an amazing father.
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