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Everything posted by htttps

  1. his youngest daughter, Alana Martina, was born yesterday
  2. she looks almost average to me not calling her ugly, but with that light and the angles she's using she doesnt look special to me but this is just a short video so i dont know, i would like to see her in motion first before automatically assuming she would fit in VS
  3. a few changes in the hair and makeup departments would be amazing. i'm TIRED of hearing about the damn beachwaver, and most of the time it seems like they're still stuck on their formula of using the exact same makeup routine in all the models, ignoring the fact that it's not going to look good in most of them. i'm not saying they should go all "instagram baddie" with the heavy brows and the excessive countor, but the models definitely know what looks best on them, so they should listen. and they need to give up the spray tanning or whatever they're doing to the girls' legs because it doesnt make sense to have orange legs and arms and then a completely pale face. but then again this is Victoria´s Secret, we never really know what they're going to do until they actually do it, so don't get your hopes up, and prepare to be at least a little bit disappointed.
  4. i noticed that too. usually they're going full force with the workouts, and they're posting them all over the place. considering that literally EVERY SINGLE YEAR they get complains of the models looking "unnaturally skinny" and how "their bodies are impossible to achieve" , VS might have told them to tone it down a little bit aka be healthy and fit, but dont turn yourself into Dwayne Johnson Kelly just seems like she doesnt care as long as she gets to walk the show, so there's nothing to do other than wait for the show to ve over, because i dont think she works out like this all year round
  5. she's definitely going overboard now i understand being excited for booking the show and wanting to look your best, but right now she doesnt look exactly healthy. she booked the show when she was compeletely healthy and now she's doing the most, and might end up damaging herself and losing her spot on the show as a result
  6. i've seen that Gisele vs Peta protesters video thousands of times but i never knew it happened at the VSFS
  7. by the way, does anyone still have the full list of all the models walking? i thought it was posted on the first page but it must have been in a message a few pages later (and i'm lazy so i refuse to read all 399 pages again)
  8. lol they know thats bullshit but they're going to spread this like wildfire, give them a few hours btw, remember that fake photo of the people that were supposedly invited to the show? the one with the comic sans font? well, it seems that vs fan accounts on twitter and tumblr are even more late than the instagram ones, and since they take the info from there, they posted it yesterday and all of kpop twitter is now convinced that all of their faves are attending the show i asked a girl why did she think an international company such as VS would use comic sans for an important document, and they all blocked me for "hating on kpop and asians"
  9. Zendaya as Anne Wheeler for Entertainment Weekly #GreatestShowman
  10. from her twitter: "Don't really have a caption...just happy." November 6th, 2017 https://twitter.com/Zendaya/status/927396458302787585
  11. Zendaya for Fashion Magazine photographed by Arkan Zakharov
  12. i was wondering why she and Justin were hanging out again after that toxic relationship finally ended, and i just saw on twitter that she's performing at the AMA's (i think?) and they even had the audacity to compare her struggle vocals with iconic performances made by Prince and Beyoncé. i got so mad i had to close the app and turn off the phone for a few minutes.
  13. it wouldnt make sense to bring Katy tbh. swish swish might be a somewhat popular song and they might use it, who knows, but unless she sings stuff from her 2012-2014 era no one would know the songs. has she even released something lately? meanwhile Taylor, as annoying as she is, chose the perfect calendar to release her album. they'll keep playing her new songs in all radio stations and such for the next week and by the time of the show, almost everyone will have heard at least on of the songs from the album, so it makes sense to have her as a performer. it will bring more attention since it will be the first time she performs any of the songs.
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