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Everything posted by tatehill

  1. tf happened to all their hair in that video
  2. i'm really not understanding how they're doing 7 segments for a 45 minute (minus commercials) show
  3. I really hope Barbara P kills it this year. She was like definitely not ready her first time around and I am PRAYING she's great now.
  4. Am I the only one who thinks the way they parted Bella's hair makes her look like a conehead or
  5. Behati is looking way better than she has the last few days thank god
  6. Why does Martha's hair look SO blegh?
  7. and Thank YOUUUU to everyone posting photos. Much appreciated as always. Making everyone here's life better. 😘
  8. She's still young and has had problems with acne her whole life so I couldn't be surprised.
  9. Also I'm so glad they put NUDE under the fantasy bra and not some obnoxious color (Lily I'm so srry they didn't figure this out sooner)
  10. woke up and had to catch up on 40 pages. SARA LOOKS SO GOOD. Hair is seeming great in general, some people seem like they didn't spend enough time or the curls fell but we'll see. Same with makeup. If they f Sara over with bad outfits again this year I'll die. Barbara P needs to be an angel idgaf Taylor looks good too. So many newbies I am loving.
  11. They ended up bigger than the sketch but yeah that is her outfit. Honestly the sketch looks better than what we ended up with
  12. Those on the left are Jo's wings
  13. Yeah no way in hell Adriana is just having one outfit.
  14. was also wondering if there was some weird Skype ad placement in that last RTTR video. they could've easily said FaceTime or something but Skype was purposefully mentioned
  15. I think that entire segment is going to be terrible at this point.
  16. I am really loving the SO after those videos and new photos too. Romee looks great. Jo's outfit is so unfortunate. First off I'm so over these damn parachute wings. That wing would've maybe been okay with a plainer outfit but she literally just blends into the wing like who the fuck thought that looked good. Also I hope they get rid of the gloves or Jo rips them on "accident" and can't wear them.
  17. I really like Romee's outfit. Someone said it but definitely would've done it on nude sheer fabric instead of black but oh well. Hopefully they fit it well after that first fitting so it actually fits her. What I'm not loving is the SO and FB in the same segment which I know has happened before at least once (I normally don't care about the SO to keep track) but I just feel like because this FB isn't as big and bright as others it needed its moment to shine.
  18. god the show really needs to just happen so y'all stop going at each other's necks
  19. It's probably both. I just don't know why everyone is so shocked at this and the lack of photos when all those photographers are CALLED to be there at certain times. Having someone not photographed is really not that difficult.
  20. Because she's Adriana Lima and she can have her fittings whenever tf she wants.
  21. She hasn't necessarily had no fittings. She could've done them earlier or she could be doing when under the radar when there aren't photographers around on purpose.
  22. No. They're just making sure the pieces all fit perfectly if adjustments had to be made or maybe they didn't have a certain piece during the first fitting.
  23. Yeah. People have been freaking it means Adriana isn't walking. All it meant was they wouldn't be walking together because Ale is gone.
  24. looks like it could be in the same segment as the Fantasy Bra
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