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Everything posted by Chessie

  1. I thought the same thing and then I read the 'beauty' part. This would've been a killer cover. They're sleeping on her.
  2. So this thing I noticed with my stalker sense, the first day of the advent Love tagged the girls and when they started uploading the videos every video until Sara's was following the tags order, I saw some Madison Beer's fanpages posting that Madison was next and then they put Rita in the middle of Sara and Madison. I truly believe that the tag order was actually the videos order but they changed them because people find that out. In the original order Elsa was #20 so they could move her before or after. Some girl was telling me that she tought she was #21 but Idk. Lets hope hey don't move her too far. Her videos seems like one of the best.
  3. I love that they are using Zoey, the pictures we've seen of her shoot with Elsa are magnificent. I never understand why VS don't use female photographers that often, I preffer those 2 Zoey's pictures over a bunch of Bellemere's ones.
  4. I found her looking way more youthful with the haircut, the color and the bangs are like the cherry on top. She just needs to learn how to style it a little better.
  5. The booty shot in the LOVE teaser made my day. Her body is looking fantastic. Love the styling, last year was great but I never ended up understanding the nose ring and the super overlined lips. This one looks more promising.
  6. Yes, that part I was talking about. A totally unnecesary scene in my opinion.
  7. The holiday commercial must be a joke. We got like.. What? 4 seconds of her? She was looking stunning and they put Taylor and her dull face on the horse instead of her or Sara.
  8. My thoughts on the show are this ones: 1. I understand their decision of changing the segment order and let Goddesses close the show. They know the most of the people that are going to watch it on TV are crazy little 1D fans, so it makes total sense to have Harry opening an closing the show so the crazy fans don't leave until it's completely over. Smart move. 2. Candice opening was great, but I agree with someone that commented it before, it was thanks to VS she did a pretty meh job. 3. TOO MUCH JOSEPHINE. LIKE...A LOT. AND SO LITTLE CANDICE, ELSA AND ADRIANA. I mean, Lily's husband had more screentime than Elsa. Shame on you VS.
  9. Do you guys know how can I get HD screen caps from the Wendy Show?
  10. I knew the only way to edit Jo's awful walk was cuting it all. I personally love the editing, they managed very well the two models at one time thing and showed the walks of the girls. The only weird looking parts were Martha/ Stella (I know shocking) and Alessandra/Lily. For me, Candice and Harry's interaction, Alexina, Elsa, Grace Bol and the other girl whos name I forgot + Ming and Grace were highlights.
  11. Elsa and the girl of the night. ✨ I'm so here for a #LeakTheHelsaPictures2017 social media movement.
  12. Let's just sit and pray that they don't ruin it with a shitty edition like last year. The 2015 edition of her Boho walk and pose was what gave her the opening, it was majestic. +I'm never going to be over the fact that the bitch didn't got any picture with Harry. She only had one job, ONE JOB.
  13. The wings are not an excuse for me. I'm sorry, if I'm not wrong Elsa's wings were the heaviest and the bitch kept her posture as a pro because that's her job. If you can't handle heavy wings they shouldn't give them to you and if they do you don't take them.
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