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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Sorry for the delay, I've been soooo busy the last few days. CONGRATZ btw. I'm so happy for you. You excited? I'll go ahead and call you in the next few days :) *hugs*

  2. Sorry for the late reply. Most of the time I make my own textures :/

  3. Well hello right back atcha *waves*

  4. 5 stars for you, and welcome to BZ. :p

  5. What did you say to piss off said person(s) this time. 3 bloody stars? lolol

  6. Hunny bunny who's that in your sig?

  7. Welcome to Bellazon btw! 5 Stars for ya. :)

  8. Following? As is been a fan? If that's the case a little more then a year? I've really enjoyed watching her grow as a model and get better each step of the way. She's a lovely girl and I hope she has a bright future ahead of her. Why do you ask?

  9. Mia Rose (Porn Star) says HI! & "it's nice to see someone with some smarts on BZ" ;p

  10. Why thank you hunny bunny. Drinking for you.

  11. Another year older, another year closer to death. AWESOME! lol Thanks babe ;p

  12. Aw! Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  13. Thanks dahlin, love you back always!!

  14. Aw! Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  15. Aw! Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  16. Thank you very much :)

  17. Oh and rogues/huntards kill everyone at lower levels.. then at the higher we have to deal with the f*cking DK's! Don't know which is worse lol

  18. + highlands. Also have you started the Firelands quests/dailies yet?

  19. Priest are rough at the lower levels, but as they get closer to 65-70 they are fun as all hell. Stick with it! My very first class was a Priest *Holy for 3 years, Shadow for 3 and then I took a break from it for this last year. lol You know anyone reading this is convo between us is going "wtf are they talking about". Oh and I love Hyjal! It's my fav new zone then Twilight High

  20. But I'm not taking inscription this time so I'm stuck grinding it out. Kill me now! lol

  21. Leveling sucks! Stuck at 80 till Pheno gets three days off so we can level together. I'm not looking forward to the grind amymore. Vashj'ir is stunning, but horrible and Deepholm is HORRIBLE for me. I'd rather stick my tongue in fire then level in that place... Almost every single one of my toons have taken inscription so I don't have to do deepholm for the shoulder enchant

  22. Wanna take a wild guess as to who removed your stars from a 5 to a 1. >.<

  23. PM spank. Tag your it. Jump on MSN messenger more often >.<

  24. Oh I've been ok, I think I've had the flu the last few days though. Haven't had the energy to get out of bed the last two days. How have you been btw?

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