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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. I've been well, how about yourself?

  2. Truce?

    I've been reading a lot of your post lately, and I must say that 99% you're dead on, and I respect that. BtW: Marisa has one of thee best bodies I've ever seen.. and I mean ever! ;p

  3. In your personal pictures, is that your vote? If so the tat's amazing!!

  4. Hey sweetie, how ya been?

  5. Hey woman, how ya been?

  6. Hey Uncle Mike! How have you been? We haven't seen you around BZ in awhile :(

  7. Hi Menu!! *hugs* Whatcha been up to?

  8. Where ya been hiding?! We miss you.

  9. Here's your comment bitch!! -- or rather quote. stfu it works....

    Anna: Why don't you just kill us?

    Peter: [smiling] You shouldn't forget the importance of entertainment.

  10. I made a song Dedication for you here: http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic143start15700/Music:Now_Playing

    Post #15703 :)

    I hope you enjoy it dahlin

  11. Well thank you, I like your set to. So any idea's who you think I should use in my next set?

  12. Hey hun, how ya been. I'm gonna give you a call sometime soon. I got a new phone # so I'll send it to you.

  13. Hey sweetie, thanks again for the Maran update! It's awesome to meet someone who's as big of a fan of her as I am! :)

  14. I have no idea when I'll begin to like Nat again hun. Right now I very little interest in the majority of models.. Bored of them I guess :(

  15. Awesome graphic artist. Kuddo's! Welcome to BZ.

  16. Awesome avatar. I think we may just have a few thing's in common dahlin.

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