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Everything posted by DeeJay

  1. DAMN! holy crap jess those look so awesome! :: dies :: lol
  2. ^^ wow.... Jess u r officially my new gif/wallpaper queen lol
  3. DeeJay


    daaaaamn girl! those gifs rock!! u might as well add me to ur aim 2 lol mines McDeejay1986 .... then maybe i'll stop annoying Ang for more vids and just hound u for gifs lol j/k Meanwhile, thanks heaps for those vids Ang! u know ur awesome haha
  4. DeeJay


    coolness - meanwhile, random props for ur avi there
  5. DeeJay


    ok.... done - better now?
  6. DeeJay


    awww how cute was the Tim ad with the kittens guys... i want one!! lol
  7. I LOVE Tom Welling!! ... just thought everyone should know that lol but yeah - all those pics of him rock guys enjoy!
  8. omg yeah she does look so different in all of them but she still looks absolutely gorgeous in them all lol
  9. woah! those r some some awesome wp's u guys! thanks and good work!
  10. DeeJay


    YAY! i just signed up here and i just wanted to say thanks sooo much for all those awesome vids guys! u all rock!
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