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Nima x Lima

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  1. shes normal and needs a brace
  2. is she stll virgin and with that prince
  3. its time to close this thread if u ask me its so pointless lol
  4. dude thats a 10 what wrong with u 10 for the above 1
  5. lol why is she kissing that guy, isn t she still with the prinse or what wuahhaaha no chemistry at all in that kiss lool
  6. from the same movie there is a part where gisele is dancing, i saw somewhere a gif from do u have that one 2? than k you
  7. hi can someone help me finding a gif from gisele where she is dancing in slowmotion?? it was in a short movie with adriana and allesandra etc.. she was dancing with the song sex bomb and was black and white. i hope someone knows this itn was in saint tropez i believe not sure
  8. sup sup Nima is here tonight he ll make sho u gonna feel alright
  9. somehow i think she s getting overrated, i liked her more first than now
  10. ghost exist man, i did see 1 one year ago at 3am at our backyard, my mom did see alot 2. they definitly exist .
  11. i really like her music, love to dance on it
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