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Everything posted by BearCub

  1. yea sorry I would delete the post if I knew how to haha
  2. awh she designed that shoe herself haha
  3. she looks completely different every week
  4. all VS Angels have a certain workout routine they have to 'sorta' stick too, a certain bodyfat% and a certain type of diet. It's not all year round it's just before a shoot or a show, and I guess Barbs just wasn't really handling it too well. Also obviously Adriana Lima works out more than Barbara, Adriana is in her mid 30's I think so she needs to work alot harder to stay in shape, but still I think the partying a few years ago was a bit too much but Barbara seems to have calmed down. Also let's be honest even on her worst day Barbara > Stella
  5. we should start betting on how long it will take for Barbara to jump back on Biebers d*** now that he's 'back' . She already started liking pictures of other people with him in it. I'm saying 2 months. any1 care to bet?
  6. Now that Bieber 'is back' , I wonder how long it will take Barbara to jump back on his dick for some famewhoring, I'm guessing 2 months.
  7. Bieber dropped Selena for Barbi after VSFS 2012, but soon afterwards Barbi dropped Bieber for Dicaprio, whom she met him at a golden globes 2013 party. In the sequel, to mislead the tabloids and the media, but still gather fame, she pretended to date with Horan for a while. At a party in a villa during the Cannes film festival this year she still appeared with Leo. Shortly afterwrds she tried to blanch over their relationship in an interview, but it's obvious that she's still the gf of Dicaprio. These affairs are matters of common knowledge. sigh... Did you ever consider that maybe Barbara and Leo are just friends, there were plenty of other models at Leo's villa party, plus he has been spotted showing PDA with plenty of other women in the past 2 years, so I doubt Barbara would be okay with that lmao. Then there's also the fact that she still had a boyfriend when half of the things in your story went on, who she ended up breaking up with after HE cheated on her, not the other way around. He confirmed it himself.
  8. she's definitely not dating Dicaprio, I doubt anything happened between them
  9. well I doubt Barbara would go for him, he's not famous enough hehe
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