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Everything posted by Ampop

  1. Uhhmm I know it may sound strange but when is the victoria´s secret fashion show this year? I want to know!! Pleasee!!!! It is because I do not want to miss it!!! jijijiji.
  2. I am selling a V magazine with Vlada and she looks so cute! well I made a preview to show you what is inside the BIG magazine! Well enjoy! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Best wishes, Ampop.
  3. Hey there...I am selling a V magazine @ ebay and she comes out in it! with romulo pires!!! well cheeck it out if you like there is a Preview I made and you can see her there!!! wowow Well here is the link, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Enjoy! Ampop
  4. Look guys I am selling a magazine with daria in the cover and in an editorial inside! take a look...jaja http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=200040362182 there is the link by the way it has an awsome preview! go see it. Ampop.
  5. Ampop


    UPN to Air Victoria Secret's Fashion Show John Consoli DECEMBER 07, 2005 - UPN on Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 9 p.m., will air the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, which was originally broadcast on sister network CBS on Dec. 6. The broadcast produced a solid 3.8 rating in the adult 18-49 demo on CBS. The rebroadcast will lead out of UPN's America's Next Top Model, targeting a similar audience. This summer CBS, in an effort to give the UPN drama series Veronica Mars added exposure, aired several episodes of that series on Friday nights. FOUND IT BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT CHANNEL IT IS!!!!HELLLLP!!!
  6. Ampop


    I heard that the show was comming out on another channel this tusday is it true? UPN or UPS channel please tell me well anyways i loved the fashion show the girls, the lingere... BUT I HATED THE WAY CBS RECORDED it was all blury and adriana was not as featured in it i was furious!!! But maybe on this other channel the bottye will show more no? well bye!! Ampop
  7. Ohh you are welcomed!! those photos look so HOT in that jr duran book!!! Well see who the lucky buyer will be!!! If i see more of ana i will give you guys all the info!! Good Luck. bye.
  8. hello there I was just seaching thru eBay and i found this!!!! a ANA BEATRIZ BOOK and she is nude!!! well she comes out in it allong with alessandra A. and many other great models!!!! here is the link if you want to see it : eBay bye!
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