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Everything posted by natu

  1. Somehow I don't think these stars - movie stars, models, royalty - their lives are all that. I think it's all in illusion because think about it really. They all get the same day - hours in a day, ect., and a body, ect., like every person and they are not immune. I saw the picture that Adriana posted for Halloween of "the Lima family" and it looked sad. I know I said I was through with forums but let me try one more time... to be totally through with it altogether. I think if your life is so worthwhile living, you would not be doing the social media for starters and yet look at a all the high up winners, who are all over it. I believe social media was created for the public because it is so - such requires a short attention span and an empty mind and head. And I myself find the less time I spend with technology, the more well I am. So let this be it. Bye.
  2. It is just like we dont already have enough judgmental comments (about her personality, love life, even her charity works) in this topic. Natu‘s posts have been deleted only because she was talking about other model which is off topic to say. P.s. From what i see, it's more obvious that you intended to create a bad image of Natalia. That former post above this by me was for you people. Every star is out out to lead the public to the desired conclusion and that includes worship of the star and right down to all their opinions, ect.. The public is never supposed to clue in on this though of course. In other words, every star including her is in on it. Those who won't dare think for themselves and reason and step out of the media PR spins, are the suckers. Every time. Good luck.
  3. It's sad, these people's lives are so artificial. She's advertising herself left ways right ways sideways, ect. meaning I think she's in it for herself. And these are the people we are supposed to worship. When it's all in your face all the time, you must question why. Does not make sense. And go ahead and delete my posts. Forums are set up to form your mind into a particular view and you can't have anyone coming along and giving the unapproved view. Oh no!
  4. natu


    There are a few looks of Ale on the street where she wears the Rag and Bone Harrow boots well. Here are a couple: http://coolspotters.com/files/photos/912750/alessandra-ambrosio-gallery.jpg http://cdnpix.com/show/imgs/499d61e3598888309d1c933b21631559.jpg
  5. natu


    GO Saint Barthélemy!
  6. Too bad. I don't agree with what you people do. And I say you and you people because until you quit going along with a group, you are one of the group. This general discussion is supposed to be free to discuss anything pertaining to models and fashion and it's not. There's a gang of members here who gang up on people and it's wrong. So this is not surprising and I'm not bothered by it. I don't use degenerate language, I don't have to, nor am I putting down anyone including this model or any other. You're all probably too young to know anyway or just never matured. But I will say one thing and that is I'm through with all forums, posting online, ect. It's just a waste when people don't want to think for themselves. And have the courage to be truly their own self and that means to go against all trained opposing views. It takes will and self discipline and the capacity to think outside the box. Most can't do it. They rather be part of the group than stand alone. I won't talk to you later and thanks for listening.
  7. It may seem and I'm sure it very well does appear she or any other person you worship, walks on water, but you people are probably too stupid to get that, by choice.
  8. Oh and I've said before too, no one has a life of their own as long as you're following another person and well-ah, you're all following and have fallen for the ancient knowledge that people will always choose a star to follow and worship. *Sigh* You people love your little updates. Good luck.
  9. And no one knows her so don't kid yourselves. It's just sad how many people choose to be stupid. The reason I can talk long-winded about this model is because I liked her as a model; I know of all her work, I know what I like, what I don't ect. The problem people have is you can't take any criticism or even reality without getting all in a tizzy and turning on whoever says the things you don't want to hear, so I won't say anymore. Being able to have a full, complete view on anything at all requires you to be able to look at the bad too, not just stay in la la land. And it is harsh, but it's your choice. Thanks for listening and bye.
  10. Oh please. All forums are terrible. If you're not all one way with the group, you're crucified. I liked her as a model. It's disappointing. Two things: how she's gone and how much stupidity there is as far as people who fan over another person. I will say, in reality, there are works of hers that are nice. I like all the Brazilian fashion weeks she's done and even possibly some campaigns in her homeland and she even apparently visits an orphanage there too. Not everyone is a fan of Victoria's Secret and what you people don't seem to get is there is an agenda behind it along with all the sexualize-ing of the young. It's dangerous. You have to be very, very careful. Victoria's Secret is not what used to be just like any company that gets sold. I think I liked Adriana as the main woman for the brand minus the sexy-sexy-sexy that the people in charge put all over it. My favorite fashion show of hers was honestly her first on February 3, 1999. And I must say too, I think the brand was carried well for a number of years minus the sexy, ect., up until oh, I don't know, 2003, 2004, ect.. I see a bunch of degenerates who are the fans... so my opinion won't go over well with the younger set. Sorry!
  11. Avoid pain and seek pleasure. Be positive. Be fake nice. Don't be honest, don't state your own opinions nor observations. People will turn on you. I don't care for Ale neither really but Adri is so overrated. I'm not calling her names. I could but that's not necessary.Like this fella: http://www.rooshvforum.com/archive/index.php?thread-35479.html
  12. I just thought I'd try to wake up the dead. It can't be done. You can't save everyone. There are people who can never be saved. Ciao!
  13. I said Ale is the best of the three. I worship no one. I also said I don't go nuts over people - stars - and even she does things that are cringe-worthy, so nope, not at all. The gifs of her are just a teasing reminder for people who flip whenever another model is even mentioned on so and so's thread.
  14. Nah, speaking for myself, I don't engage in "debates" with people who: 1. Are obviously baiting/trolling. 2. Have a thesis statement that is a hot mess. 3. Supporting arguements aren't cohesive. Happy trolling Natu. ;-) Your language is lazy and flippant. I can't expect you to have the capacity to be thoughtful, so too bad. Charity starts at home, honey, including supporting your country's labor, materials, ect. It's time to get real! Nah, speaking for myself, I don't engage in "debates" with people who: 1. Are obviously baiting/trolling. 2. Have a thesis statement that is a hot mess. 3. Supporting arguements aren't cohesive. Happy trolling Natu. ;-) Haha well said. Damn well said, is my independent opinion Your language is lazy and flippant. I can't expect you to have the capacity to be thoughtful, so too bad. Times two. And for the rest of the Borg, as long as you worship a person you don't know, truly, you have no independent thought. That's not a person who has independent thought and has the will to use it. Nor is that the way you attain intelligence, nor belief, ect. For those who genuinely want to be an individual, know this, and are truly human and unique in their own personal way. You must know yourself and you can't when you're mimicking others and following a star. Au revoir!
  15. Overall, the fashion industry, if used wisely is a tremendous advantage to people, especially women, who want to change their lives. It is for people with the ability to think for themselves. It is that at it's best. Last post for me. You can come back now, the Borg. http://31.media.tumblr.com/8ebe122d7cd544a92f9f6633eead4f99/tumblr_mexl23DjZa1rb4y31o1_500.gif
  16. Forum campaign S/S 2012 is the most recent I recall. I know American is the establishment of high fashion, but I just sense people should support work at home in their homeland more than anywhere else especially once you're established you can afford to take smaller jobs for quality. Anyway, Ugly Betty was terrible! I thought The Crazy Ones was an improvement but yes, she is not mean to be an actress, you are right.
  17. Vogue Brazil doesn't count. Vogue is American by origin, just like Adri is Brazilian by origin no matter how many countries Conde Nast jams into the O in Vogue and no matter if Adri gets rid of her accent, established herself in the U.S.A., ect. Ale has done Colcci for many years and Gisele just did Vivara. Both did Brazil fashion week runways for recent years. The last time Adri did Brazil fashion week was ...2005 for 2006 spring? If I am not forgetting a recent year. I don't even know of the last Brazil campaign she did. Anyway, must go support Ale!
  18. Yes, it is not, but it was a little something for the Borg.
  19. Nah, acting is about the silicon babe really. Unless you're any good. And acting really isn't that hard. Anyone can. It really relies on the media to tout on about you and raise you up. That's scientific fact. Adri was good in The Crazy Ones I give her that, but Ale is more herself which this world needs. Adri is meh. Now that I notice Ale. Between all the dumb interviews Adri's given and then retracts/contradicts herself so embarrassingly I've been turned toward Ale. Even in 2002 Ale said she wanted to act. I think people go after it because acting is more high up even than a top model. Even if the acting is sub par. Adriana is fake nice. Especially nowadays. I liked her when she started. In the 90s to the year 2000. She did lots of high fashion and even smaller, but nice work. She seemed genuine. Then she became really obnoxious staring in 2001, really Brazilian (of course dating Lenny Kravitz through to 2003?) then moved into really white washed in 2010 through the present time and talking a storm and just really I sense insecure, dishonest, unhappy and confused and not too life savvy or knowledgeable as I mentioned. Sorry, but it's my own observations. And it's truthful. If she and Marko were smart, they'd stick it out forever as mother and father, and yes, husband and wife, of their children together because she and Marko made a beautiful family together and it's down to foolishness on both their parts equally for whatever little "bad energy" they're feeling. Anyway, enough from me on this topic. Going, moving over to Ale's thread....
  20. I will respond in the only way you nincompoops can understand: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2b866sJVP1r5ruse.gif
  21. Ah, yes I did not recall no one here is capable of independent thought.
  22. Also, what's up with these models wanting to be actresses? And people having too good a life to know to hold their marriages, families, ect. to be sacred. That would never happen with any person of a lower profile of career. Sad. Sad. In comes the money, fame, ego and out goes the old good values.
  23. Adriana's chance to strike it rich in the movies was in 2001 and around that time, in a range of four years before and after that year because she did that BMW film that year and in 2003 she was with that Belgian? prince to at least 2005. 2005 was her last good year. And she knows it. 2006 she met Marko, her future ex-husband and it's depressing. In 2006 I think she or the prince dumped the other and she was at the height of it all in 2005. Of course 2005 was an inflated year for everyone, but anyway, Ale has always had the far better personality. If it were not for Adri's colored eyes, Ale would have always been the only shining star and Gisele is just legs. She's not really unique personality wise neither. I don't go nuts over models/celebrities/movie stars because they're people - people are people. From a clinically scientific observation, Ale's the best of the three and Gisele and Adri are just meh. Also, Adri is not really all that mature nor life savvy. But that's too much detail to go into. I think it's terrible she wants to rid herself of her native Brazil accent and the woman doesn't even have a Brazil agency anymore! She probably doesn't know who she is because she's been working since what, as young as 11 maybe if not 12. At least Gisele and Ale still do some Brazil work and Vogue Brazil doesn't count. But I can't stand Gisele. I don't find her genuine. That's why I said Ale is the best of the three - always has been too and even I cringe at some of the things she's about.
  24. natu


    I think she is a beautiful woman and as a child too, but you people don't seem to get quality. And the whole worship bit. Oh well, I tried with you goners.
  25. natu


    You're a bunch of degenerates. That's all. Sad. Sad. Sad.
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