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Everything posted by Par

  1. Is this girl who is next to Natalia is one of his sisters? or just looks like she.
  2. Hello! all, I found two articles online that may be of interest to you. I do not know what to think of them and how reliable they can be, both the information and the communication medium that transmits it. What do you think about it? http://en.mediamass.net/people/natalia-vodianova/married.html http://en.mediamass.net/people/natalia-vodianova/pregnancy-rumors.html
  3. Hello! I hope you can help me. In the images we associate Natalia appears with two sunglasses and I like a lot, but I have no idea what brands are. If anyone knows what I could say.Thank you!
  4. IMPORTANT Hello! all, I've come across on the web an Italian newspaper article about Natalia and AA, stating that the couple might be expecting a baby already. The fourth to Natalia and first for AA. “Sono belli, Natalia e Antoine, di quella bellezza che spazza dubbi, abolisce incomprensioni, comunica. L'ultimo rumor parigino è che stanno aspettando il loro primo bambino. Il quarto per Natalia, il primogenito per Antoine. Se c'è, il trucco non si vede”. “They are beautiful, Natalia and Antoine, that beauty that sweeps doubt, it abolishes misunderstanding, communicates. The latest rumor is that Paris are expecting their first child. The fourth Natalia, the eldest son of Antoine. If there is, the trick is not seen”. Here you have the link in the news: http://www.leiweb.it/a/2012/natalia-vodianova-40864013648.shtml Do not think this can be true or not, and if so, it is clear that this is already more than just interest… Do you think about it?
  5. I read AA was interested in her since he met her, about four years or so I don't remember this, what is your source ?
  6. Par?s, I have answered your question on the AA page you have created.
  7. I'm not aware about, correct me if I'm wrong… But as I read AA was interested in her since he met her, about four years or so ..And it she had the opportunity to choose between several men, when he decided to divorce her husband. Why stick with AA?
  8. Opinion that you have of this couple. love or interest?
  9. Did not say in that regard ... But through interviews, someone got their own opinion of AA ... I assume that anything not personally know Natalia Vodianova and yet some people have a personal opinion of she.
  10. Anyone know anything about how AA is personality?
  11. Do not you find attractive ... In the past I have seen photographs of them together in Italy and the others seem happy together ...
  12. Sorry but.... She couldn’t find anyone better?! :yuckky: In what sense?
  13. Antoine Arnault is the official boyfriend of the top model Natalia Vodianova is a hot topic this relationship. It is many things, but it very little, other than that is the son of billionaire Bernard Arnault of luxury and director of Berluti. I have not stopped seeing him in magazines and online publications, this man seems to be very versatile in a moment is granting an interview of economy and the next walking hand in hand with your partner by all parties and fashion events. For this reason I decided to create this post, I'm a bit clueless about this man, so if I could ye to clarar what kind of person, I would appreciate it.
  14. Antoine Arnault is the official boyfriend of the top model Natalia Vodianova is a hot topic this relationship. It is many things, but it very little, other than that is the son of billionaire Bernard Arnault of luxury and director of Berluti. I have not stopped seeing him in magazines and online publications, this man seems to be very versatile in a moment is granting an interview of economy and the next walking hand in hand with your partner by all parties and fashion events. For this reason I decided to create this post, I'm a bit clueless about this man, so if I could ye to clarar what kind of person, I would appreciate it.
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