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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. She looked wonderful! I've long quite watching MTV Movies Awards, what category did she win for?
  2. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    Blake was number 13 on Maxine's 2012 Hottest Females http://www.maxim.com/slideshow/hot-100/43451?slide=87
  3. I watched her guest appearance on Chuck though I didnt watch that show I made a thread for Beauty and Beast at Real. I know it's months away but I was too excited and hey, why not?!
  4. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    That is the bottom line, Blake is happy and her career is flourishing. Gossip Girl is just one aspect of her life that she'll soon shed like a bad skin I was disappointed she didn't attend the CW upfronts, I was looking forward to seeing her on the red carpet and maybe give an interview about Gossip Girl. I wonder what she thinks of Serena's ach
  5. I feel like such a horrible fan for not knowing about her new show until the CW upfronts. I have watched the tailer too many times to count! Anyone here going to check it out?
  6. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    The GG watchers, did you see the promo for next week's show? Our poor S I love her pose. Defines her curves nicely
  7. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I disagree that Serena doesn't deserve Blake's best work. He acting reflects on her moreso than the project she is working on. She's made a commitment and must bring her all to the table, Blake is doing just that. Have been since season one I agree about the latest Gossip Girl episode. Serena is in a dark place but I get it, I tend to get Serena's pov despite the horrible writing, due to Blake's ability as an actress
  8. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    Welcome and thank you for posting the pics allienunes. They spend an awful lot of time together ... eating
  9. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I want to be her best friend!
  10. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I am also girl and I like guys
  11. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    What did you think of Serena's plot. I just wrote a massive rant on Real. It irks me to no end!
  12. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    Bonjour I think the filming is finished I saw a tweet that they were filming today. No mention of Blake sighting though
  13. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    You don't sound selfish Arya. You are speaking from someone who loves to see Blake in roles, I think all of us in this thread can related She should go to auditions when she is not working on GG, I agree. But just because we hear of her time spent with Ryan doesn't mean that is all she does with her free time. For all we know, when someone tweets that they saw them eating at a restaurant, it could be that she's going from there to a meeting or was from one. There is no way random people will know that because those kinds of meetings are private. She works, she's had projects so we know she is very interested in working but we won't know when she is in the process until it is set in set
  14. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I know!!! I loved those tweets. I'm beside myself waiting for the trailer to drop and I hope if features lots and lots of shots of Blake too. I'll hunt Oliver down and cut him if he doesn't So glad this is getting such good reception already though. Appropriate for a movie called Savages, I would say. I'm tempted to go see Safe House again tonight since it's the only R-rated flick from Universal out now and see if the trailer is attached, but they always seem to turn up on line first. Thanks for asking questions, Arya. I'm loving the good response from the test screening audiences on Twitter for the movie and Blake. Don't be ashamed, I bet it will be good for 80's fashions, at the very least, and the show itself might actually be good. You never know with these things... I just don't think it's a prestige project that Blake, Elisabeth Olsen, etc. wanted a part in as the producers would like us to believe. Regarding the lack of outcry from Serena fans for what has been done to the character, I think expectations for the show are so low that a lot of her fans gave up, tuned out and just hope for better things for her outside the show. That would help explain the dive in the ratings.... Thanks for taking one for the team Arya Makes total sense re; ratings. The ratings have taken a nose dive since S4. Of course the shippers like to attribute it to the opposing group, Blake who? The more reviews I read, the more excited I for this movie. Both reviews for Savages and Hick are very positive
  15. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    LOL at this face - So goofy If there are any Gossip Girl fans here, you will appreciate this article about Serena Very very good article. The bold part makes me very sad
  16. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    Really? I am ashamed to admit that I am looking forward to that show. I love period pieces and I am looking forward to the 80's fashion. Trust me, I won't be watching for the storyline Thanks Joujou I can't make out anything in those caps but I'll keep the link on hand. I love how dedicated fans are!
  17. Wendy

    Megan Fox

    Sorry, wrong thread
  18. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I first noticed her and fell in love with her on GG as well Could you guys please give me a heads up when you come across GG any news? I am such a spoiler whore, don't want to miss a thing lol
  19. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I feel so stupid. Until now, I thought an account I was following was hers. I went to look just now but it seems to be gone
  20. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    Happy Birthday JouJou, hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends
  21. Wendy

    Blake Lively

    I relate to her if her dating Leo was fangirlish, I find it even more enduring if she was so starry eyed with Leo and that was why she dated him. Blake has crushes too, who would have guessed lol Watch it, Serena is my girl!
  22. Wendy

    White Collar

    Hottest man on network TV, thy name is Neal Caffrey
  23. I am not embarrass that I watch it at all, I wear it like a badge of honour actually . It is a guilty pleasure, I like to watch and discuss it with like minded There are far worse shows out there IMO
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