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Everything posted by Souled-Out

  1. Well it wasn't just her, Mert posted that photo of her that he didn't even take. And I don't think her working out a website is for nothing either
  2. its not only them happening to just hang out at the gym I think people forget about what all was going on around that time as well. This is also around the time she started working on her website and cleared her IG feed and reposted that photo from vogue italia. This was also one of the photos she left on her feed, shot by mert: I don’t think all of this is happened within the same time frame for no reason and I do think people need more patience
  3. When mert posted her mind you, mert did not take that photo of her. Thats a photo of adriana when she was like 13 and trying out for modeling in Brazil . Why would he post that
  4. IDK but whats the chances of that even happening lol. Adriana is obviously busy with all those kids, idk if she had the time to work her schedule around mert alas only for recreational purposes. ALSO remember he posted Adriana randomly on his stories like a few weeks before that too and she interacted with that. I don't think its all a coincidence
  5. No I remember another user saying that was not the first day mert was with adriana. He was with her on other days as well, which is why I mentioned him
  6. I agree. She looks good now and she will likely still look good the next time she decides to make her next appearance, and hopefully that will be something actually related to modeling. She was just hanging with mert alas and I am sure they weren't only hanging out
  7. you are the one always ignoring social and biological factors that were clearly related to her appearances. Adriana would not look the way she does now/as good as she does now if what I said wasn’t true
  8. She deserves it. She looks great. She been working extra hard, you can tell
  9. you know she 43 right as long as you can tell these two people are the same people (which you can), leave her alone. Because she would never look exactly the same regardless. But she def looks like adriana lima you can tell thats all the same person, stop acting like she got a face transplant please. And accept the fact regardless she will never look exactly the same. But she looks good and recognizable which is all that should matter
  10. She made their day awww
  11. Wow, she looks GREAT this makes me sad to know she missed cannes now because she is in wonderful shape. She is def back to herself
  12. she is super popular on tiktok too so I can see why girls that young still gravitate to her. She looks good
  13. yeah. Everytime we see Adriana we can tell she lost alot of weight but not andre at all. He still don’t look near how he used to. I think he is also having a break to get himself together as well
  14. Adriana is about to be 43 years old and been in the industry for over 20 years and is still a popular name in modeling. If she isn’t doing anything right now, its her choice. She isn’t even posting on socials either. Clearly she is focusing on something else and its probably her fitness.
  15. Souled-Out


    VS always motivated Adriana to be fit and be the best version of herself so yeah that’s the pro of it. Also the last time they did it, adriana actually walked very fierce (not the pointing and stuff) so there is that as well
  16. Souled-Out


    Surprised they went with Candice and not Adriana. Adriana is still more popular. But if this is for the fall. They may wait to announce Adriana so that its closer to the date I will say I did notice VS commented under an Adriana fan account. So... she probably will be back for them. Because why would they do that, and that happened yesterday too. I mean, I won't be mad at it, but I just am not sure if VS still GOT IT like that. Like nobody is even talking about that, I didn't even know until you said it. But its probably because of who they chose to announce that with.
  17. Souled-Out


    Yeah VS isn’t what it used to be at all. So no sense of her still working with them like she used to. It used to be good money and good pr, but not anymore . She may as well spend her time working with something different
  18. Souled-Out


    The models/celebs chooses the agencies not the other way around These agents DO NOT pay the models/celebs, the models pay THEM. Its the agency that does the work for pay, adriana doesn’t work for the agency. The agency works for her. They don’t pay adriana nothing. Adriana pays THEM. Adriana’s departure was her own decision and its probably for the same reasons gisele also left them. Gisele is the super smart and more successful model of the two. So she left them quickly (within a year). Probably because she saw early on that they don’t do enough. Adriana is clearly trying to get back into modeling so it makes sense she leaves them if she isn’t satisfied with them as well. Thats likely what happened. IDK who made up that rumor but they obviously don’t know how this stuff works. When models leave an agency its because they decided to, because it is the model themselves who pay the agency for giving them work. IDK who made that fabrication up, but they not a fan of Adriana. And they don’t know what they are talking about. Having a modeling agency is not the same thing as having a VS contract or something lmao. They don’t choose you and then give you away based on how they feel. Its the model themselves who does that. Here is how it really works
  19. Souled-Out


    cannes have nothing to do with CAA being an agent. and I think there is a high chance she will be at cannes. adriana obviously been working on losing weight. Its not for nothing. If she planned on retiring she likely wouldn’t have lost more weight or returned to the gym (love her but I don’t think she really enjoys doing what she has to do to maintain a very fit body). She obviously put herself back in a better mode to lose weight for a reason
  20. Souled-Out


    i’m okay with that, gisele left them too. Probably not the best agency to have. Hopefully she signed to a better one!
  21. Anna has her favorites but I wouldn't say Anna dislikes her Adriana has ALOT of Vogue US editorials, more than alot of her fellow angels. She just hasn't gotten the cover. Anna also asked Adriana to do multiple Vogue US videos for their youtube. So "dislike" is not the right word at all. Adriana has been given too many opportunities by Vogue US in various ways for that, every since she was young. Its literally only the cover she is missing
  22. I hope its another big vogue like UK or US. I want her to have all 4 so bad
  23. She actually posted! IDC what she is doing, as long as she starts posting on her instagram again, which is what she did today!
  24. Even her arm, the bit that we can see of it, looks smaller. She def has lost a notable amount of weight, and yeah it looks great on her. Maybe she is waiting to surprise people for something... Adriana is good with that. She is good with doing something unexpected and surprising. Plus it would be a good PR move to get her career going when she is ready too Like her unexpectedly coming back and finally looking like herself again after so many months will get people talking and she can continue on with her career that she clearly stalled
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