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Everything posted by cylnz

  1. cylnz

    Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci from King magazine Italia, Feb, 1991.
  2. cylnz

    Monica Bellucci

    Apage full of goodness! Thank you danny-19 and ArianaVSCouture
  3. cylnz

    Halle Berry

    posted to instagram last year about this time and then the second pic this passed weekend I put the 2 pics together, but they dont use the same camera profile, so probably not taken at the same time, even though the plant is almost exactly the same, growth-wise
  4. another magazine recolor edit left side is the 90's mag scan priginal right side is my adjustment None of my work is done with AI or color tools like Topaz. Everything is done by hand with adjustment leyers If you find my colors off, please let me know, I'm partially red/green colorblind and I even find different monitor profiles can make a difference in final appearance.
  5. dont know why folks bother to poster censored stuff, but here you go
  6. cylnz

    Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci, various edits from today I'm always looking for a digital (not a scan) UHQ version of the 'ass on a wall' pic below. gallery: https://imgbox.com/g/SIeSYWMWUu
  7. cylnz

    Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci, Milano, Gian Paolo Barbieri, 2000 Albert Watson, 1998 pic: I've been stitching art site pics, again.
  8. cylnz

    Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie, Rolling Stone, July 7, 2001 (Photos by David LaChapelle) A nice, old time 2002 collage, I made up listening to critical drinker this afternoon.
  9. will check it out It's pretty good, I'm about a third of the way through now.
  10. I have to wonder at this campaign of "the original". Certainly, Cindy Crawford was not remotely the original famous fashion model. Wouldn't that have to go to somebody like Jerry Hall or Cheryl Tiegs? Maybe Twiggy? I don't know, late '60s early '70s is a bit early for me in fashion models. When I started noticing them was Joan Severance and Andie MacDowell in the late '70s early '80s. Cindy wasn't even the first of what would be the supermodels. Linda, Christy, Naomi, weren't they a year or so ahead of Cindy? In those days, I remember Cindy being rather a hanger on, instead of a member of the core group. That came later. I always thought of Cindy's place as after the Trinity, and before Claudia Schiffer. And if you're talking the Fab five that would be Linda, Christy, Naomi, Cindy, Tatjana. So where is this "The original" thing coming from? They can't say it's because Cindy did more nudity. She did more than Linda, much less and not nearly as good as Naomi, about the same as Christy and Tatjana. The other girls stayed more with high fashion while Cindy marketed to MTV. Obviously, Cindy was my overwhelming favorite, but that's personal preference, and I never considered her the original fashion model or supermodel. Mostly, I think I always preferred Cindy because she seemed to be happy to be there. Cindy smiled a lot in her pictures. Something that her daughter Kaia seems adverse to. She always looks sulky and snotty. I don't need that. Smile, or at least have a happy expressive demeanor.
  11. new collage wallpaper in B&W 1080p 410KB
  12. Wow. There is an imperial shit ton of this new AI editing crap on these. Look at the horrid mess they've made of her hands and feet. Would it be so horrible to just show Cindy as she is? This new editing technology is only half baked and looks it. If they have to just do it the old fashioned way.
  13. I've been ripping art sites again . . . Cindy Crawford by Herb Ritts for the 1994 Pirelli calendar; taken in Bahamas 1993. (according to the art sites, which I'm coming to doubt more as time goes by) 3143X4000 px 12.6Mp 2.1MB *maybe this will be an upgrade for Stef's site?
  14. Better quality. Both the original B&W and the as downloaded sepia 5.7MB 8.2MB 2784X4200px
  15. Well, son of a gun. That's why I keep doing this. Once in a great while I find a new picture that I have never seen before. Thanks. What a great find. And even in decent quality. I should have put in the title. "Sante D´ Orazio Cindy Crawford, Malibu - nude Model on the Beach, fine art photography, 1995"
  16. These would be Chicago pics from before she went to France/Italy?
  17. catalog could be from 87 but pics taken in 86.
  18. Why dont you just post them here?
  19. Why; Thank You. Those are great.
  20. couple of oldies, found on a 2003 cd archive copied onto a 2012 dvd archive.
  21. (Just an opinion) This entire Vogue shoot is a real insult to the actual models who are fashion icons. Cindy, Linda, Naomi, Kate, Christy, & Iman and a bunch of who gives a shit, fashion-wise people. It's Vogue, not some political trash kitty litter liner rag. Cant they get a bunch of ACTUAL fashion icons?
  22. you have got to be kidding. Cindy is on the back row, and oprah is front and center? With jane fonda? Fuck Off. Fuck. Right. Off.
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