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Everything posted by brianlnic

  1. I was looking for her name too. Finally stumbled on it! Thea Owens (Ford Models)
  2. Not at all an easy task to find her name, but... THEA OWENS (Ford Models)
  3. I still haven't been able to locate this model at all and I have put in hours upon hours of searches. Anyone have any idea?
  4. Looking for the name of this model. I've seen a lot of her work, but can't find her name. Some one a while back had suggested Mila De Wit, but this isn't her. Any help at all would be highly appreciated. Image Sources: FolliFollie.com, ASOS.com
  5. Actually, I just found her name. It's Marquita Pring.
  6. I'm trying to find out who this model is...
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