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Everything posted by kaylasmith91

  1. I don't get why VS is downplaying her red hair so much. I mean... that's a big part of why Ruby stands out and sets her apart from the rest of the current roster at VS...
  2. Nothing wrong with wrinkles, though. She's been looking more and more like a Bratz blowup doll over the years instead- which is far worse, imo. I feel like she started playing around with cosmetic procedures around 2018, so almost 4-5 years ago, when she started taking more IG selfies or pics of herself in the mirror. I'm not a doctor but even then, that just screamed body dysmorphic disorder to me.🤷‍♀️
  3. I'm sure Romee has enough on her plate with looking after Mint and June haha. That's what my guess would be, at least after watching a casual vlog Romee and Laurens posted on YT or maybe IG a short while ago.
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