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Miss Hanover

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Everything posted by Miss Hanover

  1. There was no new photos of eugen
  2. Thanks, I'll have to check it out
  3. That is what I was saying! His modeling career seems to have plummeted. I'd imagine people have just lost interest in him. I suppose his work in general lately has been horrid compared to when he first started. Hopefully things will pick up again soon, I still think he's the best
  4. oh i've always wondered what male models make too....i heard that they don't make nearly as much as female models....but i also heard that models who do perfume ads make much more than any other ad they do or have done....i guess cuz they'll be the "face" for that brand for a whole season or something... They definetly don't make as much money as female models. They don't seem to last as long either or reach the same level of recognition within the industry. I think the top male models make a good amount of money though. It would make sense that they would get more from perfume/cologne adverts than regular ones. Calvin Klein models get paid alot also, I rememeber they paid Travis Fimmel a 6 figure sum. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't care about how much they are getting paid anyway, just as long as they keep working! Actually, Miss Hanover, while the turnover rate for new male models entering and leaving the business is higher than that of new women models, true successful and top male models, not male models of the moment, tend to have longer careers than top female models. This fact has been stated many times by reliable sources. Many of you do not pay attention to long-time male models so you don't know this, but its fact. Male models may not make as much as female models make, but whether its as minute in comparison as people like to say has always been questionable. I do not agree with that statement at all. Do yo u have any examples? Women tend to stay at their peak for longer. Once a model reaches a certain level then they are guaranteed to get work, but I'm talking about major campaigns. I only know of, and am interested in a few male models. I know there are loads, but only a handfull get heard of. Mathias seems to be doing well. I'd imagine that he is the highest paid model given his body of work, having said that it would be minute in comparison to the leading ladies. Giselle is still making over 30 million dollars a year, and she's not exactly new. Almost 28
  5. oh i hope Will's fans didnt read what u said above lol...i think will has some really great looks, but i do prefer Andrew more...since you're from London i thought u would be familiar with BOTH lol....yeah i saw Will's pic in the gap a while back and Andrew was there another time during the winter season last year....i LOVE those pics....it's funny but my friend asked the sale's associate there if she could have Andrew's pic (it was a poster size one that was framed) and they said the workers get it lol.....u need to look thru about the last 10-15 pages in this thread cuz we've discussed his wife, jane, on here before....plus his DOB is 24 Feb. 1981....he got married about 2 yrs ago....a friend of mine who's on Andrew's facebook friend's list, got pics from there and sent them to me....she sent me his wedding pic (i crack up everytime i see his wedding pic cuz she's all smiles and he's giving this pissed look lol) and a cute pic of Andrew and Jane making funny faces....really cute pics....if u want, i can send them to u in a PM....let me know ok.....he also owns a pet boutique called the Mutz Nutz and a gym, both located in Notting Hill.....i'm going to visit his pet boutique on 7 June...i cant wait as it's in a few weeks!! I know who will is and a bit of the work he has done etc... He just doesn't interest me that much! Yes, send the pics to me please! I'm curious to know what Jane looks like. It is such a young age to get married though. I suppose Andrew lives in London so? I wasn't sure as models have to travel alot anyway. I didn't know he had a pet boutique, you could meet him! Or have you already?! When are you moving to Ireland? I've been there many times
  6. oh i've always wondered what male models make too....i heard that they don't make nearly as much as female models....but i also heard that models who do perfume ads make much more than any other ad they do or have done....i guess cuz they'll be the "face" for that brand for a whole season or something... They definetly don't make as much money as female models. They don't seem to last as long either or reach the same level of recognition within the industry. I think the top male models make a good amount of money though. It would make sense that they would get more from perfume/cologne adverts than regular ones. Calvin Klein models get paid alot also, I rememeber they paid Travis Fimmel a 6 figure sum. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't care about how much they are getting paid anyway, just as long as they keep working! yes, as long as they keep on working (esp AC lol), i'll be happy and content....it seems like AC (and also Will Chalker) have gotten better with age...that's just my opinion i guess lol but they've matured quite nicely and i hope they'll continue to do what they do best....MODELING!!! I'm not really familiar with Will Chalker. I saw his paco rabanne black xs ad and they also had posters of him in the gap store when I was in new york. I think Andrew is better than Will though. It's so hard to find any info on models, they don't get the exposure other celebrities do... I was told earlier that Andrew was married! Don't know if it's true, he's only 27
  7. then i guess you've never seen perfect before. he has that all american look. he's absolutely gorgeous i second that AGAIN, HR!!! The all american look is so common, every other male model looks similar too him. It's not like I said he was ugly... I have seen perfection, his name's Eugen. HA! not. i can't say that i've seen someone else who looks like him. his nose is fantastic. he may just be another abercrombie boy, but i'd say his nose is def. striking. Has he done any work for abercrombie? That's exactly what I thought when I saw him. He reminded me of the pictures they have in their store on fifth avenue. His nose is unique, but his best facial feature is probably his eyes in my opinion. They're piercing... He looks mesmerizing in the ck man ad. See, I'm not a bitch!
  8. He looks like one of the elves from the Lord of The Rings! He's a good model though, love the Gucci ads
  9. then i guess you've never seen perfect before. he has that all american look. he's absolutely gorgeous
  10. That's true. Don't worry, as soon as I see/get new photos of Eugen, I'll post it here.
  11. oh i've always wondered what male models make too....i heard that they don't make nearly as much as female models....but i also heard that models who do perfume ads make much more than any other ad they do or have done....i guess cuz they'll be the "face" for that brand for a whole season or something...
  12. How much money do male models make? Andrew has been around for a good few years now, and he consistently seems to get work so surely that translates into alot of $! The top women certainly make alot http://www.forbes.com/media/2008/04/30/models-bundchen-klum-biz-media-cz_kb_0430topmodels_slide.html
  13. He has a great body but there's nothing amazing about his face. None of his features are particularly striking
  14. He looks really cute in the polaroids with the mario t-shirt Glad to see that he's still modeling anyway, he has been blessed by Aphrodite! I've been checking these boards for about a year now but only decided to join yesterday for some reason, had to see what was going on with Eugen! Do you know if he has any campaigns coming up? He certainly doesn't get as much work as he used to, I really liked his Armani Exchange ads. His hair suits him better shorter so hopefully we'll be seeing him more often now.
  15. What has happened to Eugen?! Is he still modeling? He was so hot last year, no.5 on models.com and now he's nowhere. Such a shame
  16. Wow! He looks amazing. I've always prefered Eugen Bauder to him, but now I'm not so sure!
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