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Everything posted by Burt

  1. They must have followed some kind of a script, even as it seems spontaneous. Maybe they need better writers. I was entertained though.
  2. Thank you! She looks as sexy as always.
  3. I think they look very much alike. A male and female version of Polyehmmm...something.
  4. Yes, so cute. I wonder if she would date someone who is 17? (hint) I like the way she can communicate so many different looks. And the last pic is so good. They fit so nice together.
  5. Haha! What did they do then? No action?

  6. Ahh, yes sleeeep....

  7. Haha! I hope you live alone lady! No like in I'm an actor. Thats what I do. I'm into acting...Thats what I do!... I'm an actor. =P

  8. Ahh! A comment! =) Just checking you out. ;)

  9. So many nice pics in this forum.
  10. I hope this is not a repost...
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