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Everything posted by dmoniqe

  1. who is this beautiful model??? i kno this isnt her thread but i really wanna kno!!! shes sooo hot!!!
  2. i kinda miss VS doing these kinds of pix...something bout that sexiness...
  3. So I thought I'd put up some oldies but still goodies gotta love that last one
  4. four words... D A M N!!! she's deadly hot! :evil:
  5. here's some from her roxy collection...Hot!
  6. i really hope she signs up with VS again sometime soon
  7. whoa...even when she's not with VS she's hot...whoa!!!
  8. wow! she's got legs that go all the way up...
  9. i know this is sort of off subject...but does anyone know who this vs model is??? she's sort of a mystery model...
  10. I thought this mite be a lil "inspirational"...i like it when she was younger
  11. Damn! she always looks like she bursting out of her bra...hmm :evil:
  12. is it me or does some of the new VS xmas stuff look a little...vintaged? almost like the look is going backwards, not really "modern sexy" lingerie...dont get me wrong, it's hot but not it doesnt really look very "modern"...
  13. I really hope they have Jarah in the VS show this year!!! They really do need a hot asian girl up in there! and we need some new pix of Jarah!
  14. so i noticed not too many new pix, if any, have been added so i htought i might add some old ones that are still pretty nice to look at..
  15. Found this one too...i don't think it's a repost, pretty sure it's new...
  16. i was browsing around and saw this one, dont know if it's new but i thought it mite be a nice one to put up...enjoy...
  17. yea she's pretty hot...i gotta say she's rite up there adriana!!! i thought id contribute by adding a lil something i spoofed up a lil while ago, hope u guys like it...
  18. Dang! Here I thought she just mighta been in the fashion show this year...That kinda sux! oh well, i really hope VS doesn't plan on taking her outta the catalogues...she's pretty hot!
  19. I kno this has been mentioned but i gotta mention it again, maybe this'll spark something...Is it me or does she just have a realli nice bikini butt ? lyke one of those butts u probably wouldnt get tired of squeezing n-e time soon, lol...hmm... take a look...
  20. so i mighta gotten a lil carried away but i made a wallpaper, i kno, lame, but damn she's hot in it and besides, think of it as...eyecandy!!! lol, enjoy...
  21. She is so freakin HOT!!! keep em coming PINKCOUTURE
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