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Everything posted by Mocap

  1. Mocap

    Eva Longoria

    Tried with 7 zip and didn't work just get 213 or so corrupt photos, 7 zip headers error unconfirmed start of archive so looks like file is corrupt, used 7zip 19.00 the latest one, if it need 7 zip then why was I able to unzip all the other packs and had problems only with this one, provide a solution as many told you you would make friends if you upload this the rest of the packs to MEGA or other good hosts if not on every site you upload at least here, also it's not off topic since your links were once available here and others could have downloaded them and be in the same situation with corrupt files left furthermore in your profile there is still a link to your site which then should not be allowed for it makes bellazon users go and get corrupt files in slug speed host, besides now that I have the files I can clean them from repeated images and reupload them here using good host.
  2. Mocap

    Eva Longoria

    This is trash because besides being on the useless Filejoker (now fortunately removed) unzips one 9 GB MS-DOS .com file if you change the file extension to .zip it will only unzips 250 or so pics NOT 9000, your shared files should not only be removed from here but from every other site you post as well it isn't enough you up to the worst file host but provide corrupt nonsensical files as well, inside the zip SHOULD be the 9000 photos NOT any nonsensical file, you're not sharing software, OLD software but pictures so no reason for the MS-DOS .com file
  3. Because of other collections not only of Sara but of other celebrities posted on useless, trash file hosts whose links have now been rightfully removed by site administrators since such files are a pita to download, I share my collection of Sara Jean Underwood, the most complete and quality collection you'll find anywhere, hell not even the DVDs site has such a good collection as mine and now I share it with you for free, arranged simple and intelligent naming convention: Sara Jean Underwood 1, Sara Jean Underwood 2 and so on. Sara Jean Underwood without doubt the greatest Playmate since Pamela Anderson., host is Anonfile which is as good as MEGA No duplicates or low quality pictures. A hell of a lot pictures Complete PB Her exclusives (you know what I mean) in high quality many in the highest resolution available not found anywhere but here. A Super exclusive not find anywhere else in full resolution. Sara Jean Underwood 3600+ Warning: Nudity https://imgbox.com/PCn6sw2r https://anonfiles.com/j4V8G0X1ob/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part1_rar https://anonfiles.com/x2z6J1X6o4/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part2_rar https://anonfiles.com/91OaS1X1o7/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part3_rar https://anonfiles.com/x4W0V0Xeo0/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part4_rar https://anonfiles.com/B7r7Y3Xeo2/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part5_rar https://anonfiles.com/XeCfYeX4o7/Sara_Jean_Underwood.part6_rar
  4. Since there is another user who floods every internet forum with his collection packs but hosted on the awful, useless Filejoker I decided to mirror what I have grabbed of such collection to good hosts like MEGA, Anonfile (which is as good as MEGA), etc and even Torrent furthermore I have expanded said collection sets and cleaned them from repeated images since that user repeats A LOT therefore the packs he shares are huge like 10-25 GB good collections but unfortunately on the worst host Filejoker (links to his collection where disabled here in this site since they require to buy premium). If anyone has packs from this user please share them uploading them to good hosts like MEGA, Anonfile, etc or to torrent also if anyone has DVD sets from celeb...rity--.photodvd.com share them as well. If someone is having problems with Anon and needs MEGA links let me know in a PM and I will give you unique links when I have time as I don't want my MEGA account deleted if someone reports them so I will know who reports and be exposed here and I will never give MEGA links to that user again. Enjoy and remember to share your collections we save time having to browse through 10+ pages of pics, you are free to expand this and re-share it here and elsewhere but please use GOOD host, is for the community, all the file sharing community, we have enough with copyright trolls and three letter agencies closing sites (like the recent shut down of th..--oth..,ub or the ban at y..-iffpa--..-rty to post patreons from real models) to have to deal with members of the file sharing community posting to awful, miserable slug speed hosts like Filejoker for massive 1-5 GB+ file size just to earn some cents. Also I encourage you to use same naming convention so is easy for everyone and you to add more pictures to this collection: Adriana Sklenaříková 1, Adriana Sklenaříková 2 and so on, easy, simple and without spamming other site's or user name in every picture name like that other user does. 550 Pictures WARNING: nudity https://imgbox.com/5oekAD5e https://anonfiles.com/xbH555Oao2/Adriana_Sklenarikova_rar
  5. Not at all in practice Filejoker is the worst host one can choose from, they extremely limit free users and most of the time cut the download because they want to force you to pay premium (which also is one of the worst paid hosts limiting users A LOT just like Icerbox) for small files let say under 300 MB it's OK but NOT for such huge zip files, it is literally a torture and frustrating to have to wait 12 hours to download 5 GB from a multi part 20 or 25 GB complete file and this when you are lucky and they don't cut your download on the server (and we know they do it and no resume for free users even k2s allows resume for free) like others have said seems like you earn a tiny amount for every person who downloads one of such files. You used to use the now extinct Alfafile which no longer exists for good but seriously and like others already told you be kind and use MEGA or Anonfile and don't split it in super huge file size like 5 GB better 1 GB each part or use Torrent, I saw you already uploaded one of these packs to a tracker that's good but too late for me I downloaded it from FJ, please up all to torrent way more convenient for everyone and they can still be downloaded even if the site you uploaded it to goes down I say this because of the recent shut down of th . othu.-b or the ban in y.i--.ff to allow ups from patreon real models. I have downloaded some of your packs and expanded them with what I have from other sources besides I have cleaned some of the packs I downloaded from you because you repeat some images as many as three times oh yeah I do pay attention to what I download and don't like repetition example Pamela-Anderson-HQCelebrities.com-363 1250x1679 150dpi sRGB 1.73 MB and then repeated a few pics away Pamela-Anderson-HQCelebrities.com-382 1250x1679 150dpi (non sRGB) 217 KB and again Pamela-Anderson-HQCelebrities.com-5553 769x999 96 dpi; more repetition on the same pack Pamela-Anderson-HQCelebrities.com-1699 1536x2048 96 dpi again on Pamela-Anderson-HQCelebrities.com-1952 1315x1440 96 dpi and many more but it's time consuming to name them all here and more to get rid of them once one download the pack I had to wipe like 80-100 Mb of repeated images on the Shakira pack and I have not finished yet because it's time consuming having to scroll down and spot them, compare them and leave the one with the best quality or just one when the two are the exact same in size, resolution, dpi and sRGB. Some friends I are planning to re-upload the packs we have to MEGA, Anonfile and other good hosts and even torrent but cleaned from repeated images, if some members are have some of stalkerazzi's packs and wish to help me to put them on MEGA and other good hosts you're more than welcome. Also if anybody has some packs from cele..brity,..,photo...dvd.com please share them I don't think she repeats pictures but I can't say for sure since I have not bought any of the dvd packs she sells but her packs seem better organized than stalkerazzi's (by folder and name of event etc), but again we don't need to buy dvd packs or having to go through slug speed hosts if we organize ourselves we can collect and share huge collections of 10,000 - 20,000 pictures of each celebrity for free in good hosts or torrent without having to pay a cent or tolerate bad hosts.
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