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Everything posted by stcrocefirenze

  1. esta tía está muy buena y maciza, which means this girl is gorgeous and really hot, and if I knew how to say that in catalonian, I would!l
  2. someday I will marry this girl, but first I got to take manhattan
  3. ThiagoMello, you're good! thanks for your scans, they are great! cojonudo tío!
  4. joer, la tía si que está buena, pero parece un poco sosilla...
  5. i think she's an angel! she is beautiful and the nudes are beautiful, her body is perfect! i guess people from the other side of the ocean have weird ideas about nudity (sin, pligrims,bla,bla,bla) my god, the world is biger, actually is much.much, very much big than north america (and the ideas and concpets about beauty, nudity,etc, are so diferent from that of the pilgrims descendents... (me tomao la molestia de escribiros en inglés, pero no os acostumbreis,capullos!)
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