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Everything posted by tippi12

  1. Has he been? Because from what I recall, the reason we know about Taylor having an issue with him is because he exposed the allegations on his own social media. During the height of #MeToo when he was exposed as another photog who’d been harassing models he posted and deleted a photo of Taylor where he bad mouthed her and essentially blamed her for his firing despite the fact that she had never publicly stated anything about the situation. I also recall him giving quite a lengthy interview to WWD to declare his innocence and complain about his inability to book a job after the accusations. Edit: he did post about Taylor, I was able to find the screenshot in my phone. Diet Prada posted it on their Instagram story at the time saying that by posting it he essentially implicated himself. His caption says something along the lines of “thanks for the lies” and I can’t make out the rest. Second edit: found another screenshot and David’s original caption of the Taylor photo read: “thanks for your lies, and I am showing myself, masks off.” All this was posted in February 2018 on the same day the piece about him was published in the NYTimes. It did not name the model who he allegedly “forcibly kissed” and until Lais’ comment the other day, because of his social media behavior I had always been under the impression that it was about Taylor. Also in November 2018 he posted an apology to his Instagram page about making models feel uncomfortable and urged people to work with the model alliance and implied that he’d be working with them too.
  2. A few pages late and probably in the minority here, but I wish the Angels hadn’t commented on the model alliance post. The comments from them come across as beyond unprofessional. Sara’s hate bandwagon comment made me physically cringe. Personal biases aside, people have very valid concerns and criticisms about this brand right now and chalking it all up to “hating” or being a hater is pretty weak. The Angels have every right to share their experiences, but the way it was done was catty and immature. Also a bad look for VS tbh.
  3. Ed is officially out at VS. (Should’ve included the source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/05/business/victorias-secret-ed-razek.amp.html. He’s “retiring”).
  4. Shocked at those photos of her looking so cozy with Carine considering Carine’s rather obvious avoidance of working with her in the past. And Kendall may be a sh*t model, but she absolutely shines on red carpets.
  5. I find Leomie’s personality unbearable & was less than thrilled when she was announced as an Angel, but she is the only one bringing it with her Cannes looks. Taylor needs to fire her stylist, ASAP. Stella looks like she just walked off set of the Atelier Versace lookbook she models in. Jas always just looks pretty. We get it, you’re gorgeous. Wear something interesting, girl. Sara is another victim of the “I’m pretty” syndrome as are most of the VS girls on red carpets. Elsa’s looks on red carpets and street style are always overly styled and too contrived. Adriana essentially wears the same hair, makeup, and dress style on every carpet. Surprisingly like Alexina’s red dress and the way she poses with it at amfar. Generally speaking, I just want more from these girls.
  6. tippi12

    General Discussion

    Very true, it is more of the responsibility of the individual models and their agents. I’d just think that the actual company would push that as well.
  7. tippi12

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    Is this conversation getting old? Absolutely. But I think it’s just lazy to say every person who speaks out against Ed’s comments is an attention whore looking for publicity. Ed directly named Third Love and inserted them into the narrative, they had every right to respond and more. Halsey is an LGBTQ individual; she had every right to address that while she may have performed for these people, she doesn’t support the ideals they uphold. Are you gonna say Bella was also looking for publicity to by reposting her? Even this latest person to speak out about Behati’s comments. Sure, as far as dumb things being said in all this, no her comment isn’t bad. But it’s dismissive and makes light of something that was and still is very serious to lot of other people. It’s not like Ed said we don’t make purple panties because I think purple’s an ugly color. He essentially said we don’t— and won’t— hire certain women because no one’s fantasizing about them. Change with the times or end up falling victim to criticism. That’s life. And it’s not that what Behati said was a bad comment to make; it’s just not the right one to make while VS is still experiencing heat for this.
  8. tippi12

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    I was just about to bring up Behati’s comments. Super dismissive and definitely going to rub more people the wrong way. I feel like the Angels should’ve been prepped with statements to say after Ed’s blunder because it’s only natural they’re going to be asked about the criticism VS faces in every interview they have now. The company should’ve made it a priority for their top spokeswomen to be adequately prepared to address these things in a way that won’t dig everyone into a further hole.
  9. tippi12

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    Ok but this clearly didn’t translate into viewership... Who cares if “urban” new outlets reported on Adriana leaving if it didn’t bring in a new crop of viewers? That just once again poses the question of if the general public really cares. Also, the shade room posted way more stuff about the show aside from her leaving, that was one of their last posts in relation to the show, so it’s not like Adriana leaving suddenly made the shade room pay attention. They’d posted pink carpet photos of the bigger celebs in attendance (something they always do), had a post of Winnie, Kendall, Gigi, and Bella (girls they report about anyway), had an additional post with photos of tons of the girls (including solo shots of Jasmine, Grace B., Kelly, and more), then the Adriana post came. And still a pink carpet photo of Winnie and Wiz Khalifa has more engagement than the post about Adriana’s departure. The Shade Room even posted about the Ed backlash. I love Adriana, she will always be my favorite angel and an iconic one at that. And yes, her leaving is/was a big deal. But it simply wasn’t for most people to care enough to tune in and watch her last walk. That’s all I’m saying. It was not enough of a selling point like many anticipated it would be.
  10. tippi12

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    Does the general public care about these things though? Most of the general public that may watch the show every year but isn’t necessarily invested in the brand or its models most likely doesn’t care about Behati, know her name, or know that she was returning from anything. Adriana’s probably the only angel they could name but still probably didn’t see her farewell as a huuuuuge deal. The nepo models have large fan bases but I wouldn’t say most of those fans need to watch the show to get their fix of these girls. And Shawn Mendes may have a bunch of fan girls, but his recent comments regarding his sexuality left a bitter taste in a lot of fans’ mouths, and frankly his celeb status is much lower than other male pop stars like him in their prime
  11. tippi12

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    Bella Hadid reposted this on her instagram story.
  12. Idk if this is true at all, so take it with a grain of salt, but I read on twitter somewhere that Hermann didn’t visit her once in the hospital when she gave birth to Ariel because they were having relationship issues.
  13. tippi12

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    Does it, tho? In the last few years, have we actually seen models’ careers get a boost as a result of having the VS show on their resume? Genuinely asking because even the actual Angels’ careers outside of VS aren’t noteworthy. Grace Elizabeth is probably the only one I’d say has gotten a boost, but her resume compared to that of contracted Angels leads me to believe that VS’s impact on her rise in fashion was fairly small.
  14. tippi12

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    According to WWD, VS has announced that they’re officially bringing back swimwear for spring 2019 (as well as other things they’d gotten rid of). I wonder if they’ll try to do a swim special again, how did the last (only?) one do?
  15. tippi12

    General Discussion

    They’ve named a new one already, John Mehas. Previously worked with Club Monaco, Gap, Bloomingdales, and his most recent stint was as prez of Tory Burch. He’ll effectively be CEO at the start of 2019 it seems.
  16. tippi12

    General Discussion

    Ed is still in, CEO Jan Singer is out.
  17. tippi12

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    I feel everyone forgets that this is nothing more than an hour-long underwear commercial. The whole “fantasy” bs is... well, it’s bs. And completely agree, absolutely none of my friends shop at VS or give a fuck about the show. Even I don’t shop at VS anymore, as interested as I am in the show itself and what direction the brand is headed in. There’s just so many better options out there- ones that are both more cost-effective and that I’d be much happier supporting.
  18. tippi12

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    It’s worse than the time they put Karlie in a headdress. What’s also bad is the fact that the show was already getting negative press before the interview was posted and later went viral. Almost all the stories leading up to showday were questioning why the show still exists and won’t change its ways. I’ll be genuinely shocked if this results in Ed stepping down as CMO (solely because it seems like they would have to drag him out of there kicking and screaming before he ever goes willingly), but I hope it does because as others have said, they need some new blood.
  19. tippi12

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    It’s *kind of* affordable, but still definitely overpriced, especially when you consider the quality of the products. But as someone else said, it can depend on what brands you’re comparing it to. You can definitely get better quality lingerie and intimates for cheaper prices
  20. tippi12

    General Discussion

    She’s always had really terrible skin, she’s been getting laser treatments to help with acne and acne scarring since she was like 16. And she still seemingly goes through ups and downs of it looking really horrible and then not that bad.
  21. tippi12

    General Discussion

    They need a major upgrade, but this is what happens when your Chief Marketing Officer is a 70-year-old straight male. His ideas of “fantasy” are outdated and he’s not willing to believe that any woman other than his type could possibly be fantasized about. That’s really the problem; the fact that he states quite blatantly that the reason they haven’t included trans women or women above a size 4 is because they don’t fall in line with the “fantasy,” as if his fantasy is every other person’s fantasy at home.
  22. tippi12

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    If it’s not painfully obvious to you what was so bad about what Ed said, then I’m positive that I won’t be able to change your mind and therefore will not waste my breath trying to. Anyway, Ed’s “apology” is not going over well. At all. Really hopeful that this does not impact the ratings of Adriana’s last show, but I genuinely believe this outrage will not just stay on social media. They now have an issue that far exceeds the fact that people don’t watch live tv anymore.
  23. tippi12

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    As expected, Ed & Monica’s interview with Vogue is starting to go viral on twitter and people are not happy. Usually, social media outrage stays on social media but I don’t think this will. Ed really stuck his whole ass foot in his mouth. There’s a difference between not wanting to pander or be politically correct and straight up using an outdated business model with lame justifications for it.
  24. tippi12

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    I’ve been holding my tongue, but I have to say this: I think Candice looked horrible last night. Her face is looking all kinds of crazy- the oversized lips, the tight skin, the sharpness of all her features. And on top of that her skin was orange? She’s such a beautiful woman, I don’t understand what she’s doing to her face or why she’s doing it
  25. tippi12

    General Discussion

    Each one of them separately is more famous than all the new angels combined. It’s a given at this point that the angels will be overlooked in the media for these three. Unfortunate, but a given. And the media won’t stop because those are the names that are giving them clicks and page views which is how they make their money.
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