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Everything posted by lhtsfy

  1. @Bettina Saw-Morgan i will get pictures from the other links you provided tomorrow.
  2. I love this girl's look, and her body is truly amazing. But the amount of makeup plastered onto her face is distracting to a serious degree, not to mention the overload of bronzer/fake tan. Just...😩
  3. spank you very much, @RebelleFleur. flawless post.
  4. Rebel, girl. You are a queen. Thank you for all your uploads.
  5. I have never witnessed a more unique look. This girls facial features are the stuff of dreams.
  6. this girl needs more work. she’s flawless.
  7. This girl is a goddess. I can’t believe VS didn’t hire her for their FS. She as so much more to offer than some they’ve chosen. Namely the Hadids.
  8. I still love Kaia and am so proud of her first FW. but... 1. Brows — I am all for natural brows, however, hers tend to distract from her beauty rather than adding to it. 2. Skin — what’s with her looking tired and drawn out all the time? In many of her pictures she looks twice her age. Could it be down to not eating/drinking correctly?
  9. I know I'm late to the party here, but..... Someone please tell me she was joking about not being thin enough for VS.
  10. It is so refreshing to see the child of a celebrity worthy of the model mantle. Tall, elegant, naturally beautiful. Kaia is a killer and I'm sure her career will be as successful as her mums.
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