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Everything posted by Pyrrho

  1. I one of the VS related interviews, Adriana talks about being sexy and innocent at the same time (and as she's talking she has a lovely shy sparkle in her eye). I think that what she means is that sex doesn't have to be about exploitation, using people, or ego and self-aggrandisement. It can be about love and the profound fierce joy of sexual passion - giving ourselves to our partner, having our partner give himself/herself to us, giving pleasure to our partner and taking the pleasure that he/she gives. In other words, she knows that sex can be holy. This is why I don't think that Adriana is a virgin - she's discovered a profounder truth about human love and human sexuality...
  2. Pyrrho


    There ARE times when we have to tell it as it is, and there are times when we have to question the underlying assumptions, but, OK, I see your point, it could get ugly...
  3. Pyrrho


    On the face of it, it's very, very, very, very, VERY unlikely that Adriana is a virgin. It's MUCH more likely that this whole story is just that - a story, a piece of journalistic fluff, something designed to sell the magazine. On another note: what I don't understand is why being a virgin is still (in 2006!) being presented as a kind of "higher state". I appreciate that many Christians have spent the last 2000 years telling us that sex is dirty and wicked and can only be good if it's imprisoned within marriage (and then only if it's used for breeding!). But those Christians are simply WRONG! Being a virgin is not better than not being a virgin; virginity is not a higher state, and virginity doesn't bring us nearer to God (it's sexual love that brings us nearer to God). And...it seems to me that most of the older virgins I've met are a bit afraid of human love and human intimacy. What I mean is this: they're virgins because they're afraid of giving themselves in an act of sexual love. They're not morally superior at all, they're just rationalising their fears. (We're all afraid of being hurt, but I believe that God wants us to take the risk that loving another person involves.)
  4. Pyrrho


    It's simple, really: SHE LOVES HIM. This is because she's one of those people who finds the character of the man more important than looks or money.
  5. I think that Adriana uses lip plumper. One of the VS make-up artists mentions the use of lip plumper. Apparently it swells the lips by drawing the blood to the lips' surface.
  6. Pyrrho

    Fan Talk

    This is a bit like asking why I love my wife - there isn't any reason, I just do. For me, though, this is not about adoration or worship (I'm just not capable of worshipping women...) because my feelings for Adriana are closer to liking and admiration. And I can say why I admire like/admire Adriana. It's to do with things like: Her creative engagement in her work. The way she's handled the transistion from being a child, to being a child-woman, to being a woman. The variety and depth she brings to her work. The skill with which she projects her imagination. Of course Adriana is beautiful, and her beauty makes me feel good...
  7. Looking at this from a man's viewpoint, I think this is a wonderful idea! But I wonder, are they like those little manuals you get when you buy a new car? With instructions and those little pictures telling you where everything is?
  8. Pyrrho


    I don't recognise your description of Adriana, so I wonder: are there two Adriana Limas? The pictures are just snapshots taken during a break in work, but she still manages to look good.
  9. Nudity, eh? Gasp! [As an aside: some people think that if we are made in God's image, nudity must be ok.]
  10. This is one of my favourite sets of pictures of Adriana. I like them because of the way she combines the motifs of Brazilian beauty with Italian beauty and the skillful way she projects the combination.
  11. Pyrrho


    I finally had time to watch this video this evening. It's lovely - thank you for posting it.
  12. I agree they're in the wrong, and I can understand why you're pissed off at them. On the other hand, trying to understand a group of fantasists is NOT the same thing as defending them.
  13. When I discussed this with my wife she suggested that the fakers aren't neccessarily malicious or sad. Her idea is that the Internet one of those places where people can act out their fantasies in a relatively safe place. And isn't this what the fakers are doing?
  14. Pyrrho


    I went to the Tommy Lee website and on the first page there's series of quotes from his book "Tommy Land". Here are some gems: "Dr Lee has learned a few things about about sex and love over the years and here's the first: Big girls are the hotest, craziest fucks ever." And "Trust me, if you're digging for treasure in a dumpster, you're gonna get pretty fucking dirty routin' through all that trash". Brilliant! Utterly brilliant!! [incidentally, does anyone know of a smilie for heavy sarcasm?] I have dificulty imagining Adriana falling over over herself to get at him.
  15. Pyrrho


    That's a nice 10 seconds....Thank you.
  16. Pyrrho


    I don't think it's right to insult people who aren't here to defend themselves or answer back, especially using such hurtful language, especially when it's not even true, and especially when it's possible that your little drop of poison could get back to Adriana and hurt her feelings. Why would anyone want to hurt Adriana's feelings? The prince is not ugly, he's just not photogenic!!!
  17. Pyrrho


    Ok, so he may not be male-model handsome, but give the guy a break: he's not ugly he's just not photogenic. (I used to have a girlfriend who was beautiful enough to be a model, but she didn't make it because none of the pictures she had made did justice to her beauty. She just wasn't photogenic.) In any case, aren't there degrees between ugly and male-model handsome? (Because that's what you mean when you say he's ugly, isn't it? that he's not male-model handsome?) But real ugliness is very rare. Most of us are somewhere in between male-model handsome and ugly. Adriana's been with the Prince for about two years now, so they must be good for each other and I'm glad she's happy with him. And I admire Adriana for being able to see qualities in the Prince which are beyond physical appearance.
  18. Pyrrho


    Here it is: http://s37.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0MWQ63E...0Q1W6L5Q6I6AA6P
  19. Pyrrho


    I don't agree. There is a difference between being ugly and being not photogenic. Prince Wenzeslaus simply doesn't know (or doesn't care about) how to project for the camera.
  20. Pyrrho


    He's not not photogenic, but he's not ugly! And he's obviously shy around cameras and dislikes having his photo taken. But look at the way Adriana looks at him and smiles at him... and her body language (the affectionate and slightly teasing way she leans into him...)
  21. Pyrrho


    It doesn't look fake to me. What's happening in this photo is that Adriana's right hand is edge-on to the camera and the two fingers which are holding the cigarette (her index finger and her middle finger) are hidden behind her little finger and her ring finger.
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