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Everything posted by Nettie

  1. As much as I find the photo shoots repetitive, she still looks incredible. I've noticed that she looks more curvy, probably because she's off the strict model diet which is awesome. As long she's happy.
  2. I still think she's gorgeous but her photoshoots bore me - they're not bad, but they all look the same. Don't get me started on those horrible wigs 😂 "We've got some awesome locations!" That's not exactly what guys are looking for whenever they subscribe to your magazine
  3. Lo is starting to look more curvy, I like it
  4. That's true. I'm not saying she didn't play a role in it - I just think if she wasn't so indecisive and flighty, things probably might have worked out better. Not gonna lie, some of her decisions have made me raise my eyebrows. Especially whenever she decided to sell her house and live in a caravan with her mum, and then she changes her mind out of the blue 😂 but I'll say nothing more, hopefully she's happy now.
  5. I'm really annoyed that her modelling career didn't go as planned. She's got a better body than most of the current VS angels - most of their figures are just okayish. I know most people find babyfaced 'pretty' women boring - but I don't think that's the case with Rachel, there's something different about her. I just wish those huge modelling brands can see that. She wouldn't be so popular on Instagram otherwise. Plus - she's got the charisma and personality. It's such a shame, I really feel for her and wish her the best.
  6. She looks amazing 😍 most of the VS angels are very bland, Taylor and Barbara are the only ones that stand out to me. I'm curious, what is her ethnicity? she looks very exotic.
  7. She looks like an upgraded version of Yennefer of Vengerberg.
  8. Lorena is a solid favourite of mine - but it's because of her beauty. She seems pleasant enough in interviews but that's about it. While she is really gorgeous, she has no versatility either - what I mean by that is that she can't pull off a variety of styles, there are certain looks that she just doesn't suit. While the modelling world can be superficial, you can't be successful just by being pretty. That seems to be why Rachel Cook hasn't got anywhere despite her popularity on Instagram. I'm glad that isn't the case for Lorena.
  9. Her self esteem would be at risk too. Bellemere is known to make mean comments towards models, like he did with Rachel Cook. Tbf, that photo shoot isn't great even though Lorena looks amazing. I think Lorena working with Voltaire would be a great idea. He's a great photographer, but he's not a creep like Bellemere.
  10. Where can I find this photoshoot? I've searched for it before and couldn't find anything.
  11. Sick of these models doing that dumb pout. She looks weird in the second photo...
  12. Lorena needs to shoot with Voltaire!!!
  13. I love that soft, classic beauty she has going for her. She looks like a 1950s movie star 😊
  14. She always picks the least appealing wigs 🙄
  15. I didn't really like Lorena at first glance, now she's my favourite. And that first photo 😍
  16. I think she pulls off the blonde hair, but yeah she definitely looks better with dark hair
  17. Is it just me or is she wearing too much lipstick in that selfie? I am so sick of seeing models wearing shitloads of lipstick that makes their lips swell up like a blowfish, it doesn't look natural or sexy. It just irks me because Lorena's lips are big enough, she doesn't need it. They do the same thing with Thylane Blondeau.
  18. They need to stop putting so much lip makeup on her, she looks like she has had botox in certain pictures or else she's pouting. I don't get it, because her lips are naturally full.
  19. Sure - I'm all for women showing off their body, as I'm a woman myself. What I meant was these models in particular are quick to drop in a quote about equality, being comfortable in your body and empowerment - that is totally plausible for someone who genuinely believes in those values. I don't classify myself as a feminist, but think going to a country that is notorious for violence towards women KINDA makes them hypocrites, no offence. They were quick to abandon their so called beliefs for money. I'm not really annoyed, but I can imagine others will be.
  20. Why are you guys shocked? All these models and celebrities talk about empowerment and equality, and ALL they do is talk. It's pretty much a marketing tactic or an attempt to make themselves appear less shallow to their audience. They're happy enough to preach about empowerment whenever they upload a picture of their tits, but when it comes to putting in any effort?
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