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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to identify this Ysé Paris model. It seems her first name is Victoire (if you check the product page (no longer available, hence the link to a cached version), you can see "Victoire is wearing a size 34" written at the bottom of the main picture), though that remains to be confirmed.


Any help would be appreciated!




 Thank you very much for that!


Oddly enough, when I first saw your reply, that Instagram account was public, but now, as I am writing this message, I noticed it just became private. 🤔


Nonetheless, your help is greatly appreciated!


I am still looking for her full name, if anyone knows it. 😀

  • 11 months later...

Update: found a few more pictures of her online, on the Japanese Madame Figaro website, where she is listed as Victoire Forest:



Victoire Forestエッフェル塔にほど近いパリ15区の生まれの23歳。子どもの頃から憧れていたファッションを学ぶため、パリ15区のMod'Art International Paris(モダール・インターナショナル)に入学。ファッションコミュニケーションを専攻する。最終学年の今年の9月から老舗百貨店「ボン・マルシェ」のプレスとして1年間のインターンシップがスタートする。Instagram:@vic_pgm


Mind you, looking for 'Victoire Forest' on Google does not bring any picture of her, so I am not sure what that means (could it be that it is not actually her last name?).

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