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I Am...

Guest Albaholic

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I am devasted. It is hard some envy people don t let you do your own Life, have a good job and salary, have your own tastes and meet new people of your taste, travel, still studying and live your to-do and not only what they want. 

And the worst, watch how some people only want to destroy the others and not be healthy or do another decissions, like, for example create new brand for some type of people and not destroy Barbies or Angels Victoria Secret. 


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I am changing some objetives in my Life. For example, I always wanted to study Psychology, but It is better do curses and be Focus in second University degree and PhD. Have a good job IS not always what I thought, so since last 12 years I am open to new places like shops, Offices job or Government sites, always presencial. Healthy IS important, and of course if you love the man you want and are too different It is better let him go, maybe a new of your taste cans make you happier. I LOVE be mum Cat and I love be at home with him. And of course It IS important to let out of your life some people from past. And maybe watch some events, concerts or similars  on the TV, phone or laptop in bed or sofa IS better than be in them. 

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