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Isabeli Fontana

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she appears on Caras magazine of this week :wub:




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How would you define your mother side?

- I am concerned, I want my children to be happy and having fun. I fight for them having a wonderful childhood. I wonder what it will be best for them. Today, I'm 'not there' for me. At most, I go to the gym to keep the body and working smoothly.

Can you combine work with the routine of your children?

- You have to do. I travel one week yes, the other not. Sometimes, I even refuse a work to stay with the children. They know that mommy needs to work, but that she only thinks about them. I can sacrifice the madness of my work, not them. They need to have a routine, an orderly life. It's what makes children become more balanced and happy. If I wanted, I could work all day, but today I choose what I do. I try to balance to feel complete.

Do feel guilty about getting away from the boys because of the work?

- No. I did a lot of therapy because of it. Before, I went down and was very sad. Not now, I'm happy because everything has been already decided in my head. Working to ensure the future of my children. When I'm with them, I do everything I can to balance the moments i am away. I give much love, kisses and fill all the time we spent together. It's very intense.

How did you beat that barrier?

- With willpower. First comes family, then career. This is difficult for some people to understand, but that's me. Sometimes I had to rush out of my son's birthday, I could not open gifts with him, because I needed to work. It was horrible. I can no longer miss these moments. If I don't control it, the work takes over my life.

When you were young you already were thinking of becoming a model?

- As a child I wanted to be a vet, but it seems like everything conspired to the other side. One day I was walking down the street with my mother, Maribel Bergossi, and one person told us, "Wow, your daughter is so beautiful, tall, thin... She could be a model." I was curious, wanted to know more about the profession and my mother told me. I was 12 years then, I decided to try. I thought of helping my family and have financial stability.

Do you like your profession?

- Previously, not so much. But today I learned to like what I do, and I feel happier. I am a woman well resolved. I like to create trends and to be aware of what happens in fashion.

What made ​​you changed your mind about this job?

- I started very young and what i hated the most was to pretend to be what i'm not, and to pose. I suffered a lot for being open and honest. When I learned to handle it all, I started to love my profession.

Do you think about quitting?

- Not yet. It was not easy to win my place. I started very early, now I'm 27, but many give me 20. And why? I never used drugs, I am not the 'night' type ... I'm more 'family', like staying at home taking care of me. Girls who live in the ballads, when they reach my age, certainly they are not as well preserved as me. I always had my head in its place.

Have you ever thought about give up?

- Early on, when I was 15, I thought I would drop everything, I told my mother that I could not stand being too tall, too skinny, I was tired of everything, always be judged by someone. But she encouraged me to continue for a while, and if it failed we'd come back to Brazil. This little time was crucial. With 16 years I did the first year of US Vogue and Valentino campaign, and after these, my career started well.

So your mother was your great motivator?

- My mother and father, Antonio Carlos Fontana, helped me and always been very important. It's hard having someone telling you what to do all the time. Sometimes I felt like a doll with no personality. It takes a while to get used to.

Have you been inspired by some model in your career?

- Stephanie Seymour, from the poses and looks and the muscles toned. She is fantastic, a beautiful diva.

What advice would you give to the models that are just starting out?

- Keep your feet on the ground all time. I believe that this has caused me to score success. Sometimes people with fame think they can be more than the others, but the truth is that everyone is equal and nothing can change that. The simple and humble people become great human beings.

Do you believe that this was what made you come so far in your career as a model?

- Sure. I guess I'm a little chameleon also, I can face various kinds, and to be humble. That's how you can get somewhere.

Are you very conceited?

- Not at all. I grew up with many boys, so I was always a tomboy. I had to learn how to be sensual and sexy.

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